I was after some advice on what board to start on as a beginner who has gained their RYA Level 1 and wants to spend as little as poss
to start with. I weigh 12.5 Stone and am 6ft tall. These new wide boards look hideous and expensive but how good are they and which are
best??? Your advice would be appreciated. Also what size sale should I have 4m or 6m etc etc CHEERS
I started on a board that was 70cm wide, 165l volume and 3m long. I could up haul, tack (very slowly) and move along. This one board
got me into blasting, footstraps and harness use and my first gybes. Newer, wider boards will be more stable, but ultimately more
limiting meaning you would need a smaller board faster.
So, how athletic are you, and how much swimming do you want to do?
I started with one sail that was 5.5m. Seems like about the right size. I added a 4.5m sail as well, but almost never used it as 4.5m
weather for someone of our size (I'm the same as you) is about a force 7. Well outside sensible limits!
The board was a Hifly Maxx, which I still have one of to teach friends on. They are completely indestructible, but at the same time
heavy so if you find one second hand, they are not to going to be trashed, and will be cheap.
In fact, why not buy mine. It wasn't for sale, but everyone has thier price!
[Edited on 3-8-2005 by Wes]