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latest 4 sat 15th
kelvin - 15-4-2005 at 16:44

Al whats the latest locally your way , any hope of good sail sat ? are tides etc favorable ?

justal - 15-4-2005 at 21:08

Hi kelvin... sorry didn't reply sooner, I've been working all day! It isn't looking good here tomorrow.. Maybe just enough wind in the morning for a kitesurf but nothing great... I certainly wouldn't make the trip up if I were you.


kelvin - 15-4-2005 at 23:30

yea thought than as day progressed at one time yesterday was looking like 20+ but all fades by aft before the se wind arrives , may try porthcawl if theres any nw left in morn ,
might trek up to newgale sun if the se20+ forcast holds up

justal - 16-4-2005 at 06:47

Theres a bit here this morning...around 15 knots, but it is forecast to be gone by the afternoon.. And I shall be working all day anyway.

You never know though, tomorrows SE may make it into the estuary and swing around to Easterly in which case it could be good. I'll be there if it is... Hope it works at Newgale for you.


shem - 16-4-2005 at 07:58

Looks like a week of potentially good easterlys for us here Al, Xing fingers after last weeks cac wind.

justal - 16-4-2005 at 09:25

Yep... Not working away from home today now either, so pop round for those photos whenever Shem.


justal - 16-4-2005 at 11:29

It's pretty windy here all of a sudden... NW 16-18 knots!!

Might get chance to get out in a bit.


kelvin - 16-4-2005 at 11:47

aggggg shit , new it go tits up
tomorro still holding up though

andy B - 16-4-2005 at 11:51

hi Al, is it a good idea for a trip upto the estury tomorrow if so what tme will i be able to get in water (tide wise). cheers

justal - 16-4-2005 at 13:56

What a waste of time that was. The wind settled at around 13 knots so I went over there, set up the 15m kite, launched it walked to the water edge and boompf (yep, that is a word!) off it dropped to 7 knots... Grrrrr.

Packed up, pfaffed around rigging my new 6.7m sail so that I know what settings I need for the extension etc and then came home... No doubt it will fill in again now, but with so much work to do I can't afford to mess around on the beach waiting for the wind to sort itself out.

Andy... Tides should be OK in the estuary all day long as they are only little... If the wind is easterlyenough that is.


kelvin - 16-4-2005 at 14:09

har that makes me fell better now ,
6.7m wow you going BIG then ?

justal - 16-4-2005 at 16:21

I know, its the biggest sail I've ever owned and though it was massive, until other on here started talking about the 9.5m sails and 10.3m sails!!.. Makes mine look like a little tiddler again!

I'm hoping to use it on my 90 litre Mistral Heat with a 32cm Freestyle fin which I'm still waiting for... Not that I'll be doing any 'freestyle' of course, excpet for a few freestyle dismounts now and then.


andy B - 16-4-2005 at 17:37

cheers Al see you tomorrow if you are around,
i will do some praying to the wind god and just hope he is listening