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AHD Powerwave 253
Jonny - 2-3-2005 at 08:05

Ive just bought myself a AHD powerwave 253 from 2000. I was looking for a wave board around the 80 litre mark and came across the AHD.
Its seen loadsa use so has got the usual scars on the rails and theres been one or 2 minor repairs so I managed to get the board dirt cheap from the local board manufacturere here in NZ Carbon Art. He recommended to me one of his Carbon Art boards but I didnt have the money to be honest and if I brought it back to the UK, I'd struggle selling it as noones heard of them probably.

The AHD is a bit smaller than I wanted at 74 litre so the biggest sail I can use on it is gonna be my 5.4. It should hopefully be a good board for helping me to learn waveriding. Ive got a 4.5 metre wave sail but the 5.4 is more of a freeride sail so I'l see if I can get a cheap 5.0 metre wave sail.

Has Anyone sailed one before and got any thoughts on it whether its a heap of crap or pretty decent?

justal - 2-3-2005 at 08:48

It should be OK... There's certainly nothing wrong with it and I'm sure you'll love it... Small boards are the way to go!... Although I think the 5.4m may well be a little too big for use with a 74ltr board.


kelvin - 3-3-2005 at 15:29

nowt wrong with board, mate has had 2 loved them both , depending on your weight you get away with the 5.4m ,

Jonny - 8-3-2005 at 09:40

Well I finally got to test my board today. I found that you need a lot of power to get onto the plane. I wasnt that overhappy with it. Its nice to gybe with and extremely fast, scarily fast . I think its just the volume of the board but you need a lot of wind to get moving initially, I weigh 75kg so am not overweight I dont think for this board. Todays gusty conditions didnt help though. Just looking forward to the next time I can use it. Hopefully in a 25knot consistent breeze.
I also dont think I can get away with my 5.4 on it so I'l have to wait and see to try it out. I think a few more litres say 76 - 78 would be perfect for me.

Spencer - 16-3-2005 at 20:57

ive got a 76 lt AHD maui wave & it dosnt come out the bag until its really good 5.0m weather,as that too takes alot to get it on the plane! but an excellent board when it does get windy enough..

Jonny - 17-3-2005 at 08:42

Yeah the recommended sail size is from 3.7 - 5m so dont think it'l be possible with my 5.4. The 4.5 half metre sail felt big enough for that board when I used it a week ago. Its lovely once your on the plane though. I use a 22cm wave fin with it as well.
I Cant really seemyself using the board for a long time which is a pain as im gonna be stuck inland for the next 6 months and theres no way I'l be using it on the nearby lake as it'l prob never get windy enough.