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More trashed toys
justal - 18-9-2004 at 18:36

Ripped a panel in my 5.7m today.... Repaired it with duck tape for now, but guess I'd better go shopping!


kelvin - 18-9-2004 at 19:17

these high winds taking their toll then?

badexcuseforasailor - 18-9-2004 at 19:24

Join the club I found a crack in my board today so it was a trip to blue chip instead of going sailing
I haven't a clue how I done it either but its there.

justal - 18-9-2004 at 19:48

The 5.7m had seen a fair bit of use.... 103 sessions according to my toybox stats... Although it has been repaired once before.

How bad was the crack in your board BEFS, wouldn't whacking some epoxy on it have done the job? At least for long enough for you to have got out on the water today.

It was a top-notch day here, plenty of wind, loads of sunshine and the beach was pretty quiet... More of the same tomorrow hopefully.



badexcuseforasailor - 19-9-2004 at 04:49

I didn't have any expoxy and I wanted to get it done proper as the board hasn't got another mark on it. I had to take it down straight away as Im away in France next weekend so wouldn't have a chance to get it done.
I guess if it had to happen this was a good time as im away and board will be ready when I get home.The crack didn't look that bad it was about 6cm long and only opened up if you really pressed hard on it but it wouldn't get any better with time.
The forcast is looking like big board weather here today so should miss out much or failing that I should be able to break.......opppps I mean borrow somthing smaller.

justal - 19-9-2004 at 06:18

At least it won't stop you getting on the water... Thats the worst part about kit breakage is the missed using it.

Looking good here at the mo agin. 20+ knots at the moment.

Have a good one.
