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Mast foot for F2 Lightning
SinistaPenguin - 18-6-2004 at 13:44

Hi All

I have asked this before, but I thought I would try again.

I am looking for a mast foot for an old F2 Lightning. My Dad now has 3 complete rigs and no mast feet for any of them. If I can find him one it would make his summer.

I have mailed Boardwise about this, but does anyone else have any ideas where I might find one?



MartinF - 18-6-2004 at 17:57

Windsurfing Worcester used to stock all sort of old bits for all sorts of old boards. Maybe worth a try.

Also try Wet and Windy in Bristol.

Finally, I suspect the old Fanatic UJ pins used to fit F2 tracks.

Best of luck

Hans@BW - 18-6-2004 at 22:28


I saw your email today - I'll have a look tomorrow in the dungeon where we keep all the old stuff and get back to you, sorry if there has been a delay...?
