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Surely not.....
Wes - 9-6-2004 at 12:53

No, it can't be, thats not possible. Just dont believe it.

Wind - on the south coast! Not eaxctly screaming, but its not like I'm going to be fussy after this long without!

Only thing left to decide, headache, food poisoning or flu for the phonecall to work

Spencer - 9-6-2004 at 14:21

Hello m8, did u get out then? Fingers crossed there might be some wind at Wsm tomorrow &/or friday mid dayish tides? ,fingers crossed now...

Wes - 10-6-2004 at 06:54

Hi Spence. Nah, failed on all accounts. Almost escaped work, but couldn't dodge that last cattle prod!

Going to have to be Friday now, although its not looking bad at the moment. Might try for Weymouth again and go all day. Then a bit of WSM for Sat if the wind stays with us..............

Let us know what its like there if you go today. Can't be as churned up as the last time I went there!