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Spencer - 5-5-2004 at 21:51

R we allowed to put 3 identical diary entries in for 1 session!!! more stoke...

justal - 6-5-2004 at 05:49

I guess you are referring to Basher's recent entries??? I gave him the benefit of the doubt as I think he was entering the sessions just after the web server had crashed the other day and the site was still playing up a bit... It may not have been deliberate!!!

I guess I should get rid of the duplicates though.

For me, i only put in more than one session a day if I change from one sport to another, change from one location to another (as in pack up and drive somewhere else), or go home get out of my wetsuit and then get back in later.... Its your PERSONAL diary though so I guess you can make your own rules really!!

