I know it might not be the best thread for those who weren't able to get out but on the south coast sailing conditions were tops. No
big peeling waves or cross offshore conditions but something about it - everyone was stoked and you could only see big smiles
We had some half decent swell (rare on south coast) with a solid f6 all day and that rarest of things - the sun (no not the paper). Did
get some big hail towards the end of the day but overall well pleased.
Got some serious air and serious wipe-outs (the usual - im not happy about landing this so better bail out).
Now have a serious ear ache either from the cold or sewerage (join SAS if your not a member yet!) and looking into buying some ear
plugs - and yes I did wear the helmet. The wind noise wasn't as bad as I thought, you get use to it.
Any advise on ear plugs greatly received but they sound a good enough idea.
I've read the diaries and it looks like there were a few FoN out on the water.
Long range forecast doesnt look brilliant - highs all over the place - fingers crossed they get it wrong.
agree - here was definately something about it. First sail for many on the beach this year - certainly led to big cheesy grins.
Saturday - mist right up to the shore with the cross channel ferries hugging the coast trying to avoid the swell - mushy waves F6-7
Sunday - Sunshine ! and 4-6 ft rideable waves superb - unfortunately I was sidetracked by mothers day
As regards ears - I had ear problems most of last year, several annoying visits to the doctor &"stay out of the water"
now wear a helmet - just to slow water rush into the ears when I fall off at speed - haven't had a problem since
fingers crossed for a windy spring..........