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20/21 March Wind
Shaka - 17-3-2004 at 09:37

Its looking pretty unsettled/windy for the w/e (according to isobars on

Not sure where im going to yet and I do not want to jinx things but fingers crossed.
Its about time we had some nice SW wind - and potentially 2 weeks in a row.

(Its a shame the Borth FoN Bash isnt this w/e).

justal - 17-3-2004 at 19:33

Sure is looking good. They are forecasting Westerlies Force 6-7 for all day Saturday and Sunday..... Should be a good one.

Where's everone going to be then???

Lets just hope the following weekend is equally as good... Fingers Crossed.


badexcuseforasailor - 17-3-2004 at 19:56

Will be brog for me as I have to work on Saturday morning

Spencer - 18-3-2004 at 06:44

i have to work sat & sun BOO HOO!!! still got mon tues weds off

IainO - 18-3-2004 at 20:33

Got friday afternoon off so its straight down to Bigbury, looking good as the wind is forecast to drop from storm force and swing westerly to coincide with high tide; perfect

Having said that its looking ideal on both Saturday and Sunday, just got to convince the girlfriend that a whole weekends windsurfing is fair when we are going to Marguerita on wednesday

Spencer - 18-3-2004 at 21:14

Sounds fair enough to me,when its windy ya gotta go as it might not be windy for another 3 months,thats what i tell the missus every time!

griptool - 19-3-2004 at 20:07

Good to see Spencer knows how to treat a lady, his wife was sitting in the car with his 10 week old daughter on a windy beach in weston yesterday watching Spencer enjoy himself.

Can only guess what you said to make that sound like a good idea, nice one spencer

justal - 19-3-2004 at 23:04

Its still looking good for the weekend!

It was absolutely howling here this morning...far too much for me so I left it until the afternoon and had a nice sail with Andy (From Worcester).

Chris was out kite-surfing too.

See you on the beach tomorrow if you;re coming to Borth!!
