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Wet & Windy Demo
justal - 28-2-2004 at 17:23

Are any of the Bristol / SW based members going to the Wet & Windy WSM demo in March then???

I'm supposed to do a family visit to Bristol sometime soon, so may just have to make it for that weekend!!!


kelvin - 29-2-2004 at 14:33

might give it a go if i can get any of the lazy locals to get out of settee mode .

johno - 29-2-2004 at 19:52

i hope to be there if wind up not ioo% sure but i think the uk naish team are going to be there with all the new 04 boards and sails to demo
if you go justall it would be nice to meet you so what van do drive or car so i can say helo

justal - 29-2-2004 at 20:47

Not sure if I'll be there myslef yet... Depends on whether the parents 'want' us to visit that weekend or not...

I'll let you know later this week, but it would be good to get down there and sail at WSM....


Wes - 3-3-2004 at 12:21

I'm planning on it, although I'll have to find a pub to watch the rugby in.
Even though I live 30miles from WSM, I not made it to there for over a year so I'moverdue a mud bath!

Spencer - 3-3-2004 at 19:22

Be rude not to pop down really, wont bank on any wind but would be nice to use my new board at WSMud.Even though a lot of people arnt keen on weston ive had some mega sessions there, 4.2 weather with a 8mtr tide works really well! Spence...

Sooty - 4-3-2004 at 07:12

Don't worry guys, I'd love to be there but can't make it.... Which should guarantee you all have a perfect day with perfect winds.


justal - 4-3-2004 at 15:39

Nice one sooty.... I've just booked my places. They were out of places for the windsurf clinic on the Saturday, but as its been so popular it looks as though they'll run one on sunday afternoon. I managed to get the last place on the kitesurf clinic for Sunday morning too.

Lets hope there's wind, as this will be my first windsurf or kitesurf lesson of any sort... No doubt I'll find out that I've been doing it all wrong!!


justanna - 4-3-2004 at 16:02

You have have you! I take it that means we (or you at least) are going to Bristol that weekend!

justal - 4-3-2004 at 16:29

LOL.... How did I know I'd get a response like that!

Just think of all those men in rubber suits you'll be able to watch!


justal - 7-3-2004 at 20:44

Its early days yet, but the wind doesn't look good for next weekend at the moment... Although it does for Thurs and Fri, so that may all change.

Has anyone ever been to one of these 'clinics' before? Are they any good. When I booked my place they asked me what level I was and what I wanted to work on...which threw me a little!!

I just hope there's some wind now so that we can make the most of it.


Spencer - 8-3-2004 at 06:46

I'd put money on there only being light winds all w/end!!!
Isnt that always the way with demo the next 7 days i only have to work thurs/fri & they are looking promising for wind,Sods law

Wes - 8-3-2004 at 12:15

Yep, always goes like that. I'll only turn up if there is a decent blow (ie 8.0 weather or better) as I am feeling incredibly tight and dont want to spend the cash on fuel for nothing.......

mikeypies - 9-3-2004 at 22:07

o yea of little faith look at and pont to w-s-m mind you it is tuesday and a lot can happen in 4 days lets hope it warms up and the wind blows havent been out this year well not in the uk but it it is getting warmer and not long to the afternoon seabreeze season roll on the summer


justal - 9-3-2004 at 22:14

I was thinking the same... Noticed the forecasts had changed since yesterday, but didn't want to point it out yet as its still only Tuesday!!

On top of which WindGuru is forecasting a lot more wind for Borth than it is for WSM. (15-26 knots Southerly on Sat and 25 knots SSW on Sunday for Borth at the mo).. Lets just hope I manage to bring some of it with me to WSM.


Wes - 10-3-2004 at 12:23

Shockingly, its actually looking like I might get a sail this weekend! I have decided that I am going to head to the place with the best forcasted winds. If that means a south coast dash, then it'll have to do. How can I live without the mud I hear you ask?

Only issue could be launching at WSM. All those kites with beginners under them with a cross/on - the beach is only a couple of miles long, there will be no room

[Edited on 10-3-2004 by Wes]

justal - 11-3-2004 at 07:05

The forecast keeps changing, but its looking OK for WSM at the moment.

SW Force 4 on Saturday, S-SW Force 5 on Sunday and pretty warm on both days which is a bonus, but with quite a bit of rain on Sunday. Its still looking windier than that for Borth though.

Anyone know what time High Tide is at WSM over the weekend??


rob - 11-3-2004 at 10:08

10.33 saturday 11.29 sunday

Wes - 11-3-2004 at 12:47

Its starting to look pretty damn good actually. I like the idea of a decent amount of south in the wind - gives me some hope of actually leaving the beach!


justal - 11-3-2004 at 13:27

Does that mean I'll see you at WSM then Wes?? Look out for me and say hello.... I'll be in my dark blue transit van.

I like the idea of not having to rig anything myself!!


Wes - 11-3-2004 at 22:03

Yep, I reckon so. As long as it gets one star on windguru I'll be there. Look out for the white transit with F2 on the front, or the yellow techno on the water. I'll make sure I run into you at somepoint during the day (if its on the water then I'm sorry, i'll pay for the damage........)


justal - 11-3-2004 at 22:06

Cool.... Maybe I'll have to be out on my Fanatic Cross then, I could do with replacing it!!!

Hopefully see Johno, Spencer and Mikeypies there too??


Spencer - 12-3-2004 at 19:15

Yeah ill pop down but i dont think the wind will be up too much,wesson never seems to be much cop when sw f4 forcast,shadow from the big rock,should blow it up really,+ its misty/raining at the mo.Total contrast from this morning when at 5am there was 2inches of snow in Radstock & i found myself travelling along the A362 sideways & then narrowly missing a row of trees due to the snow!!!
C Ya's tomorrow

mikeypies - 12-3-2004 at 19:42

Hi all
I'l pop down on sat but if its iffy its on with the lycra for some cycle action

as for sun it will prob be better at berrow but we wil have to wait and see

Spencer - 12-3-2004 at 20:57

Hello milky, to back up my point that Wsm always seems iffy on a SWerly, always has wsm & a 20 mile radius at f2-3 whilst N devon is at f5-6.This rang true a few weeks ago when i popped down wsm & it was 9 knts whilst the south & west coast was enjoying 20knts + roll on the summer breeze that works so well there...

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Spencer]

[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Spencer]

Wes - 12-3-2004 at 23:51

Strating to look a little dodgy...

Rain hammering the window now, might cry off and wait until sunday.........


mikeypies - 13-3-2004 at 08:32

well its a crisp day without a cloud in the sky with a light wsw wind blowing in other wise gurt lush

will the wind pickup ? who cares its the weekend its not raining and the sun is shineing summers on its way
and sunday looks like it will blow tire kick today sail tomorrow

justal - 15-3-2004 at 07:16

Well, it turned out good in the end. It was my first time sailing at WSM and although it was a little gusty when Southerly, it swung around SW later in the day which was much nicer. It was all pretty flat with no real waves, but fun anyway.

I'm not used to sailing with quite so many people around me either. I'm usually out on my own here in Borth, or with maybe another 2-3 people at the most, having about 35 other people on the water was a little strange.

Good to see you all. Did anyone get to try out one of those weird Naish Hybrid boards?? 214cm long!!!
