Whens the kiting questionnaire planned for?
Is it just recreational kiting or kite surfing/boarding/buggying?
I might get around to it one day, but just don't have the time reallyat the mo.
I did start putting a few things together for it which you can see
herehttp://www.forces-of-nature.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?tid=581&page=2 but actually putting it all into to production
as part of the 'Are you a Force-of-Nature' Questionaire will take me a while...I also need some hlep with the kitesurfing questions as
I don't know the names for many of the tricks! I won't be able to do it for a while though as I'll need to find a spare couple of weeks
to put it all together.... Trouble is the wind never stops blowing for that long!