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Hans@BW - 26-5-2004 at 06:24

Another one for you.....

I know the Diaries section is used as a personal log, but I was again wondering if it might be useful - to boost entries and people using the Diaries if they knew that other members where viewing their entries - so maybe add a 'No. of Views' just like on the Forums? Maybe use this as a way of measuring / issuing the prizes for the Hall of Fame competition - sort of more independent.....

let me know what you think,



justal - 26-5-2004 at 07:18

Hmmmm.... I'll have a think about that one as it will mean editing the database structure and then having to change any scripts that write to the database. This may result in quite a bit of work, but I'll look into it one day when I'm bored....

Keep the suggestions coming. I can't promise to do them all, but I'll give some a go.


Hans@BW - 27-5-2004 at 07:12

I am sure a challenge like this is going to keep bugging you until you've done it........


justal - 26-6-2004 at 16:19

There you go..... I've done it for you. The number of views is now shown in the list ofdiary entries...Obviously most have zero views at the moment, but that should change soon.

Test it... view a diary entry and see if the 'no. of views' increases.

Hope you like the new 'feature', keep the suggestions coming.


justal - 29-6-2004 at 06:41

I've just added the number of views to the page that shows the diary entry itself as well..... It all seems to be working fine. let me know if you come across any problems.


Hans@BW - 6-7-2004 at 22:40


Looks good mate, I'll give it a test for you....

