Found this on the BBC website. After making it across hte Irish Sea the Channel should be easy!
Link to BBC new website story
was that you?
if so then you deserve a big reward gal,
keep up the kitesurfing your doing so well! broke any records?
If only I could claim it was! I'm afraid I'm a bit of a false member on this site and don't actually partake in any FON sports. I'm more of a spectator and I'm quite good at having a plentiful supply of hot drinks and food when Al and his mates are out playing!
Sadly the attempt has been postponed due to lack of wind and it looks as if the Poole Animal Windfest will suffer the same fate. Still
you can never be sure so I will be trying a few (stray cat) sacrifices in my back garden later today.
NB - Sorry to all cat lovers I promise this was a joke, but I must admit my neighbor has 7 cats and they are starting to get on my