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5th line???? help
qatarij - 25-1-2010 at 08:16

hi guys and girls, brought a second hand kite..naish boxer and had a go yesterday but it has a 5th line??

what do i do with that? is it a safety line? or something for power? at the moment there is no line keeping me to the kite if anything goes wrong?
hope someone can help

col123 - 25-1-2010 at 08:50

Get some lessons

mNeil - 25-1-2010 at 12:01

good advice Col!!
fingers crossed for the weekend.

qatarij - 25-1-2010 at 19:16

thanks guys..cant wait to meet people like you when i start to become confident in the water. maybe we can share a beer and tell stories about nam!!!!

bucski - 25-1-2010 at 21:18


Would that be Cheltenham?

Not many of us fought in Vietnam - dunk had a good fight with a bloke in El Medano once perhaps you should share a beer with him?

mNeil - 26-1-2010 at 12:55

dont be offended at the advice given; if you dont know what a 5th line is for and you are " having a go"the only place you are heading for is an accident and no-one on this site who is resposible will help you make that journey.
this sport is fun but can be TERMINAL be safe and learn from others mistakes. VIETNAM could be the safer option.
get lessons and we will all be glad to assist when you come to the beach.

dunk - 26-1-2010 at 14:22

Hey, I'm a lover not a fighter Tim lol

They were robbing my apartment at the time!

bucski - 26-1-2010 at 19:52

I wouldn't like to comment on your 'lover' attributes dunk!

Quatarj - as Neil suggests lessons are the way to go, just trying a kite with no experience is a recipe for a quick trip to the hospital. And once you are sorted if you come to borth you'll find lots of friendly folk willing to advise you.

qatarij - 28-1-2010 at 10:20

hi all, i am currently sorting out lessons, i feel it is very important to learn the correct way, but it was just a basic question of which i thought fellow kitesurfers could answer without the need of sarcasum??

im a surfer and skier by choice and i personally wouldnt answer a question to someone by simply saying "get some lessons"

oh well thanks for the comments, have fun and fly high.

col123 - 28-1-2010 at 11:45

Originally posted by qatarij
hi guys and girls, brought a second hand kite..naish boxer and had a go yesterday but it has a 5th line??

what do i do with that? is it a safety line? or something for power? at the moment there is no line keeping me to the kite if anything goes wrong?
hope someone can help

The reason i replied why i did was the questions in your post..

youv'e brought a kite and flown it!!!

but didn't know what the safety was or used for

recipe for disaster..

Oh by the way i just brought a car..anyone know what the middle pedals for...

Same question as your's really....

Spooker - 28-1-2010 at 12:04

Deary me Col - of late your posts have been more caustic than usual....

Is your current situation getting to you?

Don't worry, just keep wearing the dresses for a little longer and they let you have the op.

And then I'm sure PKS will sort you out a nice pink wetty....

col123 - 28-1-2010 at 14:57

f*ck off fatty

Spooker - 28-1-2010 at 16:40


touched a nerve THERE!

kitesnowboarder - 20-2-2010 at 21:26

5th line is there to support the leading edge and is also there as your safety it is prob the most reliable type of safety.
There should be a 5th lin on your bar and line set, if not you need a new one one or have one fitted

kitesurfing lessons south coast

[Edited on 1-4-2010 by kitesnowboarder]