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Kitesurf Feedback
fbusato - 15-12-2009 at 15:45

Dear Kitesurfers

We are a Group of MBA-students studying at EADA, a Business school based in Barcelona, Spain.

We are doing a Market Research Project about extreme sports, specifically on Kiteboarding. The objective of the project is to get a picture of the consumer behavior.

To get a clear view of the market and kiteboarders preferences, we would appreciate if you could help us answering these questionnaire for kiteboard users in order for us to gather the necessary information for our research. />

Your contribution will help us fınd ways to attract new people to kıteboardıng, allowing the sport to grow and get more support from the kiteboarding manufacturers in terms of the current needs of the kiters.

Any further feedback would be appreciated! If you have any questions about our project or EADA, please do not hesitate to contact us or our professor Dr. Alexis Mavrommatis at; Tel: + 34 934 520 844 - Ext. 260

Thank you very much in advance,

Fernando Busato 693 202 125
EADA-2009-2010 MBA Student