looking like a good wind from the NW this weekend. i will def be out this time as the van will be back.
Nop not this weekend, as the wife is off to spain for a few days and I have pets and Luke to baby sit. I can hear the points racking up
Should be out the following weekend if the wind gods are playing
Glad to hear your beast is back on the road Neil, hope to be over Sunday though may head further up the coast if NW and I can find some waves to play in, reckon Tywyn would be good in a NW with a bit of swell as it should be pretty much bang on crosshore there.
I must be looking at the wrong weather sites - just checked 3 and the max forcast for the weekend is 8 knots!
Aaah... But that is today... yesterday it had quite a bit forecast for Friday and Saturday!
Don't worry though by the time the weekend gets here it will be cold, wet and completely windless!
Yep no real wind for the weekend and Bucski no swell neither although could be some swell Friday down south west check out magicseaweed. Although there is some sun forecast at least, so we will be there - fire and ciders
So, who's out MTBing then... there are a couple of rides going on this weekend if there's no wind.