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Dont care if it looks twatish stick a lid on ya head
cheeks - 16-5-2008 at 18:09

This time last week i was over at borth and i did the fatal thing of saying to myself "think i'll go out one more time then pack up". Instead of kiting i ended up with a someone elses kite wrapped around mine as it wasnt weighed down with enough sand when a 25 knot gust came in. I ended up with 24m of kite on the end of my lines doing a raggy doll impression all over the beach as it occured when i was launching. As i am only 9 stone it was pretty epic. Although concused it was lucky i was wearing a helmet, which is well dented up, or i wouldnt be sitting here typing this. I have ended up with a snapped collar bone which has put me out of action for 3 new 7m arrived 2 days later which i can only look at, but at least it doubles up as a wind break. I will be out doing my second favourite thing, snapping away with my camera next week at kiters. I will be posting my pics on me website for viewing so hope you enjoy them. Here's a tasty of last week b4 it went wrong...helmets aren't just for chicks, so stick a lid on it.

danh - 18-5-2008 at 12:07

Sounds nasty dude, glad to hear you are OK.

Look forward to seeing your snaps

Fart Boy - 18-5-2008 at 17:26

Glad your ok dude. Always wear my lid too.

Son_of_Squiz - 11-7-2008 at 23:22

what helmets do you guys have ? I have thought about getting one lately, you do hear some grim stories.

tcas - 27-7-2008 at 19:04

I'll never leave for the beach without my lid. They're getting a bit cooler too. I picked up a mystic helmet a few weeks back and it has a peak on it that makes it look like a baseball cap. My mates all seem to want one now. Glad to hear you survived Cheeks

REECEY - 27-7-2008 at 21:04

I allways wear a helmet,twatish or not. I've got a couple of BMX/skate style helmets. Hard shell with a thick poly inner and not forgetting the B.S number. Robin Hood Sports has a massive choice.