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The 08 instinct edge
shem - 10-12-2007 at 20:08

Heres the new edge due for release next year at some point. No anti invert line, also has one pump, who knows how it will fly!?

col123 - 11-12-2007 at 15:12

well if its as half as good as this years kite they will have a winner on there hands

shem - 11-12-2007 at 15:14

For once you speak of the truth Col. You been taking that Honesty pills again??

Dandine - 11-12-2007 at 17:38

second that. My 7 is a dream.

col123 - 11-12-2007 at 18:29

well the edge fooled all the borth lot, they wondered how such a fat bloke on a 13m was able to fly upwind, when all they could do was stand on the pebble bank and read the wind..

that kite let the secret out they all thought i was a bloody good rider till they tried the kite..

dammm i blame Mr windy mark if he hadn't lost my keys they'd be none the wiser

mNeil - 11-12-2007 at 18:39

not me Col ! i always thought you were a good rider!
ps about that £10 i owe you.