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Jinxed myself again
danh - 27-9-2007 at 12:10

Great looks like the weekends a write off. That'll teach me for making early plans and telling people in advance that i will not be around this weekend as i am kiting all weekend.

Never mind im sure next weekend will be superb cause i cant make it

Anybody taking the gamble and going over anyway?

justal - 27-9-2007 at 12:40

Same here... I'd made plans to be in the Gower windsurfing and surfing this weekend but it doesn't look as though the wind and surf gods are going to co-operate.


shem - 27-9-2007 at 17:30

dont worry Dan, go motor biking

danh - 27-9-2007 at 17:37

Sounds like a plan shem.

Nightmare Al, you still going or have you given up on the idea?

justal - 27-9-2007 at 18:11

Not sure yet.... It looks as though there could be some wind in the estuary though so I may end up staying here. (Or at least that looks as though it will be more likely to have some wind).


Fart Boy - 30-9-2007 at 18:57

I caught some wind in Dawlish south devon. Out for about 1.5 hours before the wife got to cold. Was blowing around 14 from first light till I left around 3pm. Even had some son.

Looked like most of the Exmouth boys were out also across the estuary. My wife counted about 20.

Dandine - 30-9-2007 at 19:30

Your wife looking a other men again mark?

Fart Boy - 30-9-2007 at 20:01

Well you know how she is. A man with a kite!