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advice please about my cabrina bar ?
ropers - 4-9-2007 at 18:17

Ive had my C. Omega for 2 months now, its the only kite i have ever had. Ive been out on the water with it most weekends and am loving it.
the override stopper unit
When i bought this kite I was told that I would not need the override as the depower was enough without it. Last weekend I hit the bar past the stopper and found it much better in the total override. I kept it in override all day. Is this ok ? Will I have any restrictions in this mode ? If so what ?

col123 - 4-9-2007 at 21:41

no problems it just gives you a greater depower range...just let go safety

DaveH - 10-9-2007 at 03:46

i second that.
The kite has awesome depower anyway, but there are times when going past that stopper unit just makes life that little bit more comfortable. (especially in gusty winds).
I ride 90% of the time with the unit off as for unhooked tricks it gives me the reassurance that if i let go of the bar the kites not going to nail its self full power on the water..
Also when i teach or demo the kite i normally knock the system off.