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info. about my Omega
ropers - 3-9-2007 at 19:23

Ive had my C. Omega for 2 months now, its the only kite i have ever had. Ive been out on the water with it most weekends and am loving it.
the override stopper unit
When i bought this kite I was told that I would not need the override as the depower was enough without it. Last weekend I hit the bar past the stopper and found it much better in the total override. I kept it in override all day. Is this ok ? Will I have any restrictions in this mode ? If so what ?

Pluto - 11-9-2007 at 11:40

Don't think so. As long as you're happy to hold on to the bar.

The issue some people have with this type of system is un twisting the lines after rotations. If you're used to "spinning" the bar, the kite de-powers when you let go of it.