Hi all, Im making a visit from Bristol to stay with a friend in Arthog just south of Barmouth. Will be going next weekend if the wind looks good otherwise soon as. Can anyone give me some good allround places (tidal wise),in this area. I am very amature have just started to go along on the board. Much appreciated.
you could try Fairbourne but keep away from the harbour mouth particularly on big tides. Or you could come down the Aberdovey. There is
always a good crew around if there is wind and wil work in all directions from S round to N. There are also some good lagoons
depaending on the tide.
Tide and wind can be found here:
yeah, if your learning get to aberdovey. superb location and never that busy. If you like a drink the dovey inn has some superb cocktails, hey fartboy!
Thanks fartboy & Dandine, Aberdovey sounds good, im looking forward to my visit
I'm not having one of those Hulks again. Far to much going on in one glass I think.
It was a good pre celibration of my birthday though. My actual birthday night (Tuesday) was spent recovering from my op oh and the
attention of three nurses putting me back into bed after they forgot to point out my left leg may still be a little numb. Which became
rather evident as I tried to go to the toilet
[Edited on 063131p://fSun, 05 Aug 2007 18:22:40 +0000e by Fart Boy]
Was anything else numb with 3 nurses plying their trade around you? Roper, If you ever going over to dovey give me a bell and i may be able to meet you there. My number is 07771 900606 (Dan)