last weekend jealousy reared its ugly head again..
i was out having a ball whilst you all decided, apart from neil to kite down the beach and walk back up wereas i could go anywere.
things came to a head when tony started to splash me then tried to take out the instinct edge with his sonic
even marky boarder was getting jealous and tried to hide my car keys in the beach with an incoming tide
At last the jealousy seemed to calm down with respect taking over...john the hat was that impressed with my riding he offered to drive
me home, which i gladly accepted..
just remember children a kite is for life unless its a sonic
sounds like you were out on a proper kite col
surely was a great day Col. i eventually came off the water after 9 in the evening; going out again on the 13 yarga after stopping for
a coffee and half a dozen custard creams...........amazing combination or what!!!!!!!!!!
amazing the story of your car keys; the one who found them was so overcome with joy that he locked his in his van ( sorry cannot
remember your name!)
ah but neil has the humble custard cream enough merit to take over from Lard pie, or is that the summer alternative....
mmmmmmmmmm Lard pie, or as shem know's it a Sheep, (meals on wheels you know)
yes Dan it was the instinct edge, amazing bit of kit at one stage neil was on a 15m and i was still out on the 13...
i hear some of the regulars had a go on the instinct and bertha my big board ..what did you think??
[Edited on 12-7-2007 by col123]
At least Col has come clean and admitted it
- nothing to do with skill involved
- throw in enough decent kit and even a large tub of lard can be kept afloat.....
Not biting COL, the numbers on the beach do the talking! Like the instincts as well, pretty much every local aberdyfi kiter is riding the 11meter sport this year. Fancy trying the foil behind the Ski.
ahhh in that case spooks ou better get some new kit then....see you sat if any one around.
hydro foil face plant ski towing sounds good shem, might be a few weeks though as of too hot sunny temps of 35 degrees and water temps
of 27..and its the F-one test centre,,mmmmmm13m bandit
If a certain corpulant individual had shared his toys - others might have basked in the warm glow of Ozone performance - and been
turned towards the light!
Anyway I trundled up and down on the 16m OR1 for a while, but was still knackered after such a FANTASTIC Friday!!
ohh knackered was it i just thought you were crap
You forgot ankle twisting COL!
ok - crap too