im after a 12 - 14m kite can anybody help. ive got £200. i dont mind if its got a repair or kite only.
can you u2u me
i've got my 10mtr(13.4 flat) airblast in my loft; had repairs but was my fav kite hence have not sold it yet £50.75p.
11.5 free air(15 flat) and 6.8 airblast( 8.4 flat)
£50.55p each
[Edited on 29/3/07 by mNeil]
I've got my old 12m Takoon Scoop if you want,
thanks for the offers. im after something a bit more like an 05 or 06. the way things are selling on e bay i should find one. i would
love to fly the airblasts but i feel after a few rinses in the ocean they may not fair too well.
see you all on the beach more some big wind this weekend.