Ren wants to get rid of me for the day and the wind looks good. whos coming?
well after a week spent languishing on an idilic palm fringed beach with 40C air temp and 28C sea temp, sipping cocktails with Mr Fish
and friends - oh and doing the odd bit of kiting - I guess I may be up for a refreshing dip in the good old Irish Sea.
Off to EL Medano dude,
I'll be around tomorrow though
i'm up the 18th, neil if you want a lift just shout you may need a neck brace though as me van's now chipped to 190bhp!!!!
Originally posted by Spooker
well after a week spent languishing on an idilic palm fringed beach with 40C air temp and 28C sea temp, sipping cocktails with Mr Fish and friends - oh and doing the odd bit of kiting - I guess I may be up for a refreshing dip in the good old Irish Sea.
Hey Neil, I dont think I'll be at Borth this weekend, so if I don't see you there, just remember not to put anything heavier than a
helium filled balloon on your new kitchen surface.
Hope Ren's feelin' ok, and I'll see ya soon.
Mark dont you fancy a kite across the estuary to borth, perfect wind direction for it.
all this talk of wind and sunny climes makes me envious.
am still moving all debs' furniture in. weekend by weekend !
plus am in hospital next week for an op and wont be able to come out to play for at least 2/3 weeks.
seems like ages since i was able to get out on the water.
at least i got a good snowboarding holiday in.
Hey Dan, if the wind is good, I may well just take that trip to Borth, but I better check with Col to see if I can get a lift back first.
you got to learn to stay upwind first!!!
Yes, but isn't having to buy myself a Peugot 306 a bit expensive? I'd rather just use my kite and board