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18th march borth outing?
mNeil - 14-3-2007 at 12:55

Ren wants to get rid of me for the day and the wind looks good. whos coming?

Spooker - 14-3-2007 at 13:53


well after a week spent languishing on an idilic palm fringed beach with 40C air temp and 28C sea temp, sipping cocktails with Mr Fish and friends - oh and doing the odd bit of kiting - I guess I may be up for a refreshing dip in the good old Irish Sea.

dunk - 14-3-2007 at 14:21

Off to EL Medano dude,

I'll be around tomorrow though


col123 - 15-3-2007 at 22:08

i'm up the 18th, neil if you want a lift just shout you may need a neck brace though as me van's now chipped to 190bhp!!!!

Kitefish - 15-3-2007 at 22:39

Originally posted by Spooker

well after a week spent languishing on an idilic palm fringed beach with 40C air temp and 28C sea temp, sipping cocktails with Mr Fish and friends - oh and doing the odd bit of kiting - I guess I may be up for a refreshing dip in the good old Irish Sea.


Too cold for me too, I'm now used to this equatorial weather and a little bird tells me there could be a flurry of snow on the way. Exactly the same this time last year when we all went to Blackrock. Plus I have to spend some time with my good lady (and her parents), there is always some pay back for a bostin trip to sunny climes.

Get saving saving for next years Massif trip to Kenya, it is the dogs much better than Egypt and also a top place for the landboarders too. Would go slightly earlier than this trip to guarantee wind everyday, we lost a few days as it was too near the end of the season when the winds change. But it still was very very relaxed and chilled

jaymo - 15-3-2007 at 22:51

Hey Neil, I dont think I'll be at Borth this weekend, so if I don't see you there, just remember not to put anything heavier than a helium filled balloon on your new kitchen surface.

Hope Ren's feelin' ok, and I'll see ya soon.

danh - 16-3-2007 at 10:25

Mark dont you fancy a kite across the estuary to borth, perfect wind direction for it.

Loxley - 16-3-2007 at 12:24

all this talk of wind and sunny climes makes me envious.

am still moving all debs' furniture in. weekend by weekend !

plus am in hospital next week for an op and wont be able to come out to play for at least 2/3 weeks.

seems like ages since i was able to get out on the water.

at least i got a good snowboarding holiday in.

jaymo - 16-3-2007 at 22:51

Hey Dan, if the wind is good, I may well just take that trip to Borth, but I better check with Col to see if I can get a lift back first.

col123 - 17-3-2007 at 16:21

you got to learn to stay upwind first!!!

jaymo - 18-3-2007 at 13:14

Yes, but isn't having to buy myself a Peugot 306 a bit expensive? I'd rather just use my kite and board