Does any one else have problems getting onto this site ??. I can access it from work no problem, but my computer at home just times out
??. No problems with any other web pages.
Any ideas ??.
I haven't heard of anyone having problems, and if it is only you experiencing them then it would suggest something to do with the
settings on your home PC... Maybe the site is blocked in your firewall?
Or, maybe the IP address of your home PC has been banned by one of the servers that the connection routes through whilst accessing the
site (what is your IP address and I'll make sure the server the site is hosted on hasn't blacklisted you.).
I have similar problems with a few sites from my home computer for some reason and switching off my router and then switching it back
on again seems to cure the problem, but only for a while. I'm not sure what causes it but it seems as though my routers' firewall
blocks access to certain sites now and then for some reason completely unknown to me... Computers!!!
Simon.... Did you solve the problem??
I have had a problem a few times now, not with it timing out. But i can be on the site for a while in the evening then go off
somewhere else but when i try to come back to the site it just comes up with a load of text. Each line normally ending in .PHP.
Strange that this seems to happen around 8 o'clockish
Yep, seems to be back on again last night.
Not sure what was going on.
Al, if you remeber I had an issue once that you talked me through. Home PC would not work and the laptop did not. I think it was cookie
problems from memory.
Oh yes I could not access the site a few days ago but it was fine a while later.
Yeah, cookies are often a problem in Internet Explorer... But then so is everything in Internet Explorer!.. If only everyone use
Firefox my job would be so much easier.
A problem with cookies is unlikely to completely block someone out of the site though, it will only cause issues with them logging
in(or being unable to logout if Internet Explorer is playing up!)
The site hasn't been down, so your temporary problem was probably just some hiccup along the route to the server or a local connection
I had a problem gettin onto the site last night as well. It said that there were too many users on the site and the administrator
exceeded his allowance for users online.
The sites getting too popular Al!
Just buy a mac. Been running my 17" G4 Powerbook for 3 years on line, no firewall and no problem. Bliss. Second ditching IE and running app like firefox.
I had a G4 Powerbook for a while but the logic board blew up so I had to throw it in the bin!... Currently on a Dual 2Ghz G5
Getting everyone to use Firefox is the first step... Getting them to switch to Mac isn't so easy... If only they knew what they were
Originally posted by Jonny
I had a problem gettin onto the site last night as well. It said that there were too many users on the site and the administrator exceeded his allowance for users online.
The sites getting too popular Al!