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Kite surfer hits 50.8 knots!!
shem - 14-12-2006 at 16:38

Tilmon Heinig, has just had a official speed of 50.8 knots!! Using a home made board and a "Caution Answer" 9 meter. How stoked must he be. Loads more info on kiteboarder.

justal - 14-12-2006 at 20:10

I haven't seen this yet, but there are quite a few reports about kitesurfers hitting 50 knots.... None of them have been over an 'official' average speed of 50 knots over a 500m course though, just a top speed of 50 knots....

If you look at the stats from this one (I'm assuming these were the times set in Westerhever on Dec 7th) then he did indeed only hit a Max speed of 50.557 knots, over 500m his best speed was 46.7knots.

Someones gotta break the 50 knot barrier soon though. (Although not me as my balls aren't big enough!)


mNeil - 16-12-2006 at 16:23

here here about the balls!!!!