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Self-launching a bow
ajdesq - 24-11-2006 at 20:03

Sorry of this has been covered 100 times before, but I've looked all over the net and can't find any advice or vids.

Today, everyone else was already out on the water. It was only then I realised that you can't fold over the tip of a Sonic!

Luckily, after 5 mins scratching my head, someone came in just to help me launch, nice man!

I've heard of ideas such as attaching your chickenloop to a sandbag or a groyne, but at Camber you're a long way from anything remotely solid (lots of packed sand, tho). I'm still 100 times happier in the water than on the beach with my kite up, so would rather launch near the wet stuff and not have to worry about running around with sandbags with a kite in the air.

Cheers all,


bucski - 25-11-2006 at 12:52

best way I have found is secure chicken loop to something solid like heavy sand bag or weighed down board with sand, then flip the kite over and sit it on the edge of the window, make sure it's fully depowered. Stroll back to the bar, hook into your chicken loop and off you go, works a treat, then do the reverse to land it.
Don't do it if it's nuking tho!

shem - 25-11-2006 at 17:52

I always launch mine straight from down on its nose.

Fart Boy - 26-11-2006 at 14:52

Yep sure I like the idea of leaving a kite attached to something like that.

Try here for videos on sonic self launching. Just type sonic in the search box.

I have a video somewhere. If you get really stuck I will send it you just drop me a line />

[Edited on 023030p://fSun, 26 Nov 2006 14:53:26 +0000e by Fart Boy]

ajdesq - 26-11-2006 at 16:17

Thanks for the link Fartboy, it seems that the 'sandbag' technique is the way to go. I'll just have to launch further from the water than I'm used to (tide comes in really quick so leaving stuff on the sand flats is a no-no).

At my local beach (Camber Sands) there are quite a lot of broken shells around (1 bladder punctured already) so I won't use the leading edge method here.

Hmmm... (cogs are whirring) maybe I'll rig up something with a bit of climbing rope and a couple of those climbing clip things and use a groyne post instead...

Cheers for the advice,


Fart Boy - 26-11-2006 at 17:06

No probs dude.

shem - 26-11-2006 at 17:57

Attach it to your board via a leash, pile sand on your board, and do it that way, TONY, from coventry makes a special clip to attach to your board, its also good for self landing.

ajdesq - 28-11-2006 at 00:32

It works, hurrah!

Today I was the first one to the beach, and employed my brainwave incorporating all the above.

I took a rachet strap, put it around a groyne post, then used a clip to attach the chicken loop. I figured that was the most stable thing to use.

Success! My Sonics just sat patiently in launch position while I ran back and clipped myself in, then it just glided up with no problem.

Thanks everyone!