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ok 7th oct borth any Pikeys comoing?
mNeil - 5-10-2006 at 07:43

I'll be there on friday evening , looking like a good windy weekend.

shem - 5-10-2006 at 08:08

Not looking as wind as first now though hey. C u there neil.

dunk - 5-10-2006 at 09:27

Got the RS 200 inlands to sort out at the weekend. I'll be around all next week.

Fart Boy - 5-10-2006 at 17:16

I shall be Dyfi side for Sat & Sun. Have not been out for a while so can't wait.

jon d hat - 5-10-2006 at 19:37

I'll be a dyyfi pikey providing Sal jnr can hack the journey this time!! No worries though as I,ve just upgraded my breakdown policy to the dogs danglies with hire car and B&B if you break down

Wind looking OK, westerly 16-20 sat and southerly 14-18 sun....bring it on

Kitefish - 5-10-2006 at 20:48

Me vans still not ready, but not going to miss this windy weekeend, probably have to drive up in the car sat morning and try a Whoosh and sleep in the back. Oh how do these vanless peeps manage

Neil or Andy are you going to the MASSIF side? as I have arranged to meet Mark aka Loxley there Friday night. Incase I don't make it, you will need to leave the gate unlocked for him (should arrive 10pm) and he will lock it behind. Marks new to the Massif and Pikeys met him and Debbie last weekend, treat them nice

shem - 5-10-2006 at 21:09

Its perfect lagoon tides for late morning at dyfi.

Pluto - 5-10-2006 at 21:36

Dyfi all weekend. See ya there

mNeil - 5-10-2006 at 22:27

will be at borth side as per topic ....Fish send him my mobile number if you wish just incase we forget to leave open the gate.see you there

[Edited on 5/10/06 by mNeil]

MarkyP - 6-10-2006 at 07:08

Kite pikeys,

Got a few things to do but will hopefully be up Saunday and staying till Tuesday.

Jon you'll have to prop up the Dovey bar for me mate on Saturday, its a dirty job.............

See on da water (or in the air)


jon d hat - 6-10-2006 at 07:17

Think I can manage that Mark

C you out there bro

Loxley - 6-10-2006 at 09:45

Hi guys,

thanks to kitefish for bigging me up, but where is going to be 'the place' this weekend ? am i joining the pikeys or the massif ?

happy to go either way and the beach did look good on the massif side....

Chris and Dunc have my mobile number and Chris has sent me directions to "the gate" and will hope to get to it by 10pm. I dont get home until 6pm so allowing for evening traffic the trip shouldnt be too bad.

Will be in my campervan again, ( photo on Vans thread ! )

looking forward to a good weekend meeting you all !


shem - 6-10-2006 at 09:49

Tough choice there. Although if the wind stays westerly at least youll be able to cross the estuary and try both out.

Kitefish - 6-10-2006 at 14:55

Mark join the Massif, at least the van won't be far from your kite when you require shelter between the rain.

Andy and Neil will be there, doesn't look like I will make tonight but will be there first thing tomorrow. I will text you Neils number.

Should be good, although the forecast seems to be getting slightly less every couple of hours.

[Edited on 6-10-2006 by Kitefish]

Loxley - 6-10-2006 at 15:03

Hi Chris,

Well i aim for Borth tonight then and give t'other side a try.

BTW has anyone got a spare large helmet i could borrow ? I had ordered one from Powerkiteshop but they say it looks like its delayed in the post so wont arrive before i head off tonight !

C U all later.
