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Dyfi blues
MarkyP - 27-9-2006 at 07:29

I've got some news for the posse,

I have landed myself a new job sub contracting my services to The Ford Motor Company. Which is great as it will be a fair bit more cash in the pocket!

This will however mean re locating to the South East of England for 90% of my time and a commute back to the Midlands at weekends.

Emma and I have also bought a house that needs a fairly substantial amount of work doing to it. Good news. However, this is going to tie up my weekends even further, as I had originaly planned on doing some of the work in the week.

So basically it looks like I will be spending a lot less time on the water and also trips to the beautiful Welsh coast will be few and far between. I hope to atleast be able to ride some of the brown water at Southend during the week to keep my hand in?!

So on the one had it's good and on the other it's bad. I have real soft spot for Wales and the kiting and biking in and around. Not only that but I have met the best bunch of people you could hope to meet and had a blast for 3 years or more. I have more friends up there than in Worcester itself and you will all be missed. (I'm filling up now!!)

Will still be at the party though and will also have some time off at Xmas to do some riding.

Future Essex boardrider...........apparently there's some sweet lagoons down there too so it ain't all bad!!

See you soon


justal - 27-9-2006 at 16:13

Well, Good luck with it all Mark... I'm sure you will be back on occassion though, the force is strong here and it will lure you back.

Personally, I decided to forego all the 'money' malarky and lead a simple life by the sea in Wales.... Couldn't imagine giving it all up just for a job!


jon d hat - 27-9-2006 at 21:11

You Know they say that these are your donkey years Mark. We, as spontaniouse outdoor types, spend a great deal of our time living for the moment. It don't harm you to secure your future as long as you don't loose sight of whats important to you.

You'll be missed brother of d' massif/pikeys. May the Borth be with you

Catch you at d party yer soft southern jessie and don't forget yer pint glass, no halves o lager ere LOL

Best wishes

MarkyP - 28-9-2006 at 06:53

Oh I'll be back, it's too good for you monkeys to have it all to yourselves. I'll keep it quiet from the Southerners though eh!

Al you could well be right about the simple life. This is something that I may find I discover for myself in a few years from now?

With the state of manufacturing in the UK it might not be so long before I have to hang up my pencil anyways.

I'll be back up there at any half chance of an opporunity over the winter. Till then, ride hard!


ps Jon, less of the Southerner jokes you homo, I aint moved yet!

justal - 28-9-2006 at 07:08

Originally posted by jon d hat
May the Borth be with you

LOL... I like that!


mNeil - 28-9-2006 at 11:31

good luck in your new venture Marky and Emma.
you'll be missed but as you say no doubt see you over the winter. keep intouch via the forums.
may the borth be with you both.

carlessd - 28-9-2006 at 13:56

good luck to you both an will see you at the party, as previously said "may the borth be with you"
mmmm sound like an invite to join you guys down there for a long weekend sailing