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Sonic Bar Upgrade
boardhedz - 28-8-2006 at 23:09


just wondering if someone can give me the low down on the Sonic Bar Upgrade, I've heard something from somewhere and notice there's mention in the ad. in this months Kitesurf; here's a few questions:-
I have an 11m, does it apply to the 11m or just the 14m?
I'm a beginner and wonder if the upgrade is that beneficial, should you set the kite before entering the water and so don't really need to adjust it again in the water?
Where can I get info. on the upgrade if it is applicable?
Is the upgrade available from the retailer or should it be purchased from the importer?

Any info. would be appreciated.


willf - 29-8-2006 at 07:10

think the upgrade just makes it like an ols c kite so you lose the depower and safety, for you as a beginner it is no worth it. Set the depower on a light wind day so it doesn't fly backwards when fully sheeted in at 12 o clock then leave it, it should work pretty well. i haven't adjusted mine once for 10 months.

willf - 29-8-2006 at 07:11

any more info wanted then contact Sean at airjam.

[Edited on 29-8-2006 by willf]

shem - 29-8-2006 at 07:27

sonic 2 soon!!!!!

willf - 30-8-2006 at 15:31

and the gk trix!