Dude's, has i've got no work to do 2day,
been on the case of the massif logo/stickers, t-shirt designs,
The design is easy to read, fresh looking and simple!, symbolising a wave in blue and a kite in orange, theses colours can be changed,
depending on background colour.
But looks really good on white
Will do some mock up on t-shirt's
Let me know what you think, dudes
dude logo looks good , not sure about the second line ,kite here kite now. would just "kiteboarding" do?
also are we including the wind surfers? ie then just "watersports"
or " borth massif-the kiteboarding dudes"
Think just keep the text to 'Borth Massif Kitesurfing'
Keep it simple.
i'll go with that
Dude - From a fellow Graphic Designer - Like the logo, kite and wave is good and I quite liked the "kite here - kite now" strapline.
Sorry I haven't had a chance to have a crack at a design, myself!
Only worry is I think I've got a realm t-shirt with a similar logo, I'll check??
dude, the wave shape is something i designed back in 1997/98, i've just taken out the top bit and replaced it with a kite shape.
Might change the font, bit to IKO style.
Not suggesting you copied it dude, just that it might be similar. You wouldn't believe how many tiimes I've designed something then
found out later it was similar to something else.
It might be nothing like it anyway!!??
I happen to be wearing a Realm tee today.
Their logo has some similarities but is clearly different.
woosh dude !!! i want some, also i like the "kiteherekitenow" in the logo you da man
Nice, I like it, but what the hell is the Borth Massif??
I've been pestering Al to make some Forces-of-Nature T-shirts and hoodies for ages... Come on Al, can't you do some at the same
Im in favour for the kite here, kite now!! cheesy, but it works for me
Yeh I like it
Who cares that it may look a bit like realm or flexifoil, there is only one Borth Massif
I like both kite here kite now and kitesurfing, maybe Tshirts khkn and sticker kitesurfing.
I like very much
hey i,m with neil
what about the windsurfers,i now we are the minority but it is still our favorite patch for some of us.
True, true, we don't us windsurfers to be excluded.
Perhaps choose a strap line for kitesurfing and maybe another for windsurfers or general watersports to include evryone else.
Something simple like:
Borth Massif
Borth Massif
Include everyone and plug this site, use the line "Are you a Force of Nature..." or just "Borth Massiff - A Force of Nature" then the
web address - just a thought.
I still like "Kite here - Kite now" for the the kitesurfers though!!!
Right then dudes, like the +++ comments, There will also be a design on the back of the t-shirts, one with a kitesurfer, and one with a
which i'm working on next.
The strap line for the logo, now i like darren's idea ' Are you a Force of Nature. And had the web address under the strap line.
That way i can keep it down to one design, keep the cost's down and will keep everybody happy.
Now, colour of t-shirts, i was think of black/dark blue, or grey.
what do you think.
will post some mock-up's for t-shirts and hoodies.
Car stickers, do we want to print onto a clear film in reverse so they can be applied on the inside of the window.
I think this would be the best solution.
let me know what you dude's think.
like the designs, they are looking great.
when it comes to t-shirt colour, i have got loads of navy t-shirts, would be nice to have a lighter colour, grey sounds like an
option,dont know what other colours might be available and whether they are more expensive for different colours
Going to be funny seeing everyone wearing the same shirt
I have an opinion on car stickers!! I wouldn't like to advertise I have expensive kitesurf gear in my car, I don't know about you
So I think they should be quite vague ie. no mention of kitesurfing etc. I suppose the "Borth Massiff - Are you a force of nature"
plus the web address would work for this reason. Window sticker is the best idea I think.
T-shirt colours - anything that doesn't show up, ketchup, grease and gravy stains too bad, grey or navy would be my preference. Could
have different colours maybe as long as the ink colours used are the same.
Oh yeah, hope Al is OK with plugging the web address??
think light coloured shirts sound good to me; hate stickers anyway so that's nowt to do with me ,however i agree with darren ; dont
want to advertise whats in your vehicle.
nice one Woooooooosh
Originally posted by darren byrne
Oh yeah, hope Al is OK with plugging the web address??
Great idea, I need some new clothes.
Im with Neil on this one, "drop the kite here, kite now" strapline.
have changed the strap line to 'Are you a force of nature' and added 'www.forces-of-nature'
Great logo Steveo. Have to admit I loved the Fat boy slim ref strap line kite here-kite now but it doesn't work for all sports,
I'd deffo put it on a dark colour like navy blue. Not ideal for summer but the less you wash a tee, the longer it lasts. And lets face
it most of the time it ain't 25 deg's outside.
Keep up the good work
C u on da Sonic
"the less you wash a tee, the longer it lasts"
is that why they smell so much?
logo on blue will loose the blue part of the logo no?
would want mine on white or a light colour to show up the logo etc and i do tend to wash them to kep them smelling sweet!
Cheapo screen printed T's last a lot longer if not washed too much. Believe me I have plenty of cheap T's bought from gig's, freebee's
The Blue could be substituted for white print if used on a dark background to get over any loss. I have designed a small number of long
sleeve T's for a VERY exclusive mountain bike club I used to run. Navy and White was a good combo and hid, beer, curry, mud n blood
pretty well.
People aren't ever going to agree on colour chioce though hey.
I only wash the bugger when it stinks so much I can't wear it. Rest of the time I'm oot a ridin!!
Maybe kiting in said tee would be as good as a cold rinse............?
No need to worry too much about the final wording on any design or the colour of the T-Shirt, I can set up a system that allows you to
choose the colour and choose from several designs so that everyone can be happy.
Al, i can put some different design's together with different straplines, to keep everybody sweet, one for the windsurfers one for
kitesurfers. And a design for the back of the t-shirts.
Also working on some cool desktop pixs for the Borth Massif.
I like the idea of people being able to order the stuff via the website, keeps it simple.
As i would not have the time.
Watch this space
Good stuff, I'll start work on an online ordering service and get things up and running once I have some files from Whoosh... I've
u2u'd you Whoosh with file format details and will e-mail a file with some more details.
Right, I have an online Kitesurf T-Shirt shop set up. The designs for the
Borth massif aren't there yet but will be as soon as I get them from Whoosh. I have added a few designs of mine for now just to get it
up and running.
There are plenty more possibilities as far as actual garments go, hoodies, jackets, baseball caps etc. etc. so if there is any
particular combination of design / design placement / item that anyone wants just let me know and I'll set one up.
There are also a couple of designs that I have set up where you can change some of the text yourself so that you can have your username
(or something) on your T-Shirt.
I haven't actually ordered anything myself yet, so let me know how it all goes when you try it out.
Have fun.
Great idea Al and great work setting it up. I'l be ordering a tshirt of the website soon.