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Tiree end of june
chris - 18-4-2006 at 14:30


i know leo is mad for a return to tiree(scotland) and i'm up for it. was talking to richard at the weekend and hes already booked time off. dunk i hope your ready for it. Will some how you gotta be there.

so we need to sort out who and when. we should go over the longest day like last year.

thought i'd post this to get the ball rolling.



justal - 18-4-2006 at 14:49

Wish I could join you... although being that close to the Outer Hebrides I'd probably want to go there instead. I think I have my holiday quota for this year booked already... A week in Egypt coming soon and then a week in the Isle of Man in Sept...

I'll have to make time/money for a Hebridean trip next year as its been too long since I was last there.

Have fun you lucky b*gg**s


leonardo - 18-4-2006 at 18:38

Dudes, i'm there already..not too bothered about which week it is jsut let me know, but it would be nice to be there for the solstice so we can kite drunk at 1am again and go to that weird party!

willf - 18-4-2006 at 19:08

oh dear, don't think i can... dan's wedding etc etc am booking 2 weeks in september to play with the boys.

baileyman - 19-4-2006 at 12:15

Hey Chris

I'm up for a trip and like you say have a week booked off already at work.

Was planning on going up on Sat 17th June and stopping off to see the Richard Ashcroft gig at Lancashire Cricket Ground on the way up. (Tickets still available £30.00). So arriving at the ferry termnal for the Monday morning ferry then staying for 7-10 days or so.

I'd look at taking 3 people my van and split the costs. Any idea what it cost last year for ferrys etc?

I mentioned it to Dunks already and he was a hopefull but depends on his back I suppose.


dunk - 19-4-2006 at 13:53

Hey Dudes,
Yep I'm up for it if my back's better.
Rich, I'll only be able to do 7 days ish
Hopefully going to go back to the water next week!

carlessd - 19-4-2006 at 15:22

dudes i've got that week booked off already, was goin to disneyland but its gone tits up now. Mmmmmm should be quite cheap on lpg. will let you no

chris - 19-4-2006 at 18:57

last year we took my van and met up with dan and his van. the rest used tents and it worked well.

so to keep costs down we should take one or two vans and then camp again that way the petrol(LGP) will be cheaper and the ferry. i don't mind which van.

chris - 19-4-2006 at 18:58

dunk would be good to see you on the water hope you can make tiree

chris - 19-4-2006 at 19:01


can't remember the cost of the ferry, but the holiday was very cheap even though we drunk the co-op out of cider

leonardo - 19-4-2006 at 20:51

Think the ferry was about 180-200 quid but we split it 3 ways. 3 in a van seems to work well.

dunk - 20-4-2006 at 15:28

Anyone got any dates?????????

baileyman - 20-4-2006 at 17:19

Nah - chucked 'em out after christmas

chris - 20-4-2006 at 17:20

i was thinking like last year, leaving friday night 16th june and returning 24th or 25 june.
solstice on the 21 hopefully the party will be same as last year.

rich is planning a music break half way but as long as we all end up in tiree for around 7 days.

baileyman - 20-4-2006 at 17:41

Yep - those are the dates I've booked.

Just need 2 more in my Van and an extra ticket to Aschroft (if anyone's interested).

Or I send my kit up with Daz and get there by plane,train and automobile.

I'm going anyway, so not fussed how we slice and dice it.

chris - 20-4-2006 at 17:45

rich the plan will come together. we just need to sort out numbers and vans over the next few weeks. no need to take 6 vans.


leonardo - 6-5-2006 at 18:30

Are we all still up for Tiree mid June? Chris you still keen?

I'm off to Spain, Portugal and France for the next 2 weeks backpacking & drinking!

chris - 6-5-2006 at 21:35

will know next week what the score is and if i can make it.

leo have a good one.

leonardo - 22-5-2006 at 12:24

Hey all! Can't make Tiree anymore due to work constraints and having to head over to Ireland in July..But will be up for Tiree and 6m swell in October..

carlessd - 24-5-2006 at 14:54

its looking iffy for me now too, i'm under pressure to take the kids away for the summer hols instead,

dunk - 24-5-2006 at 21:13

Wots hapenin?
Anyone still going?
Oh yeah and da Cannaries is still rockin, 30 knots plus! hangin on to my 6 m!

leonardo - 25-5-2006 at 11:08

hey dunk, look after your back!!!!!!!!

Any luck on the Nobile skimboard?

baileyman - 25-5-2006 at 13:12


It's not looking too promising now - not sure wot to do - if we don't go then I'm gonna head back to Egypt for the week instead. Will catch ya next week - give us a shout and we'll go for a beer.

steveo - 25-5-2006 at 19:44

i'm looking at a trip to Egypt for a week at the end of june/first week of july, look at going to El Tur, it's got flat water and waves!!!!. And always windy F4 to F6 everyday, Perfect sonic weather!!

dunk - 27-5-2006 at 22:31

oh, other kites won't work then? Whoooosh??????????????

chris - 29-5-2006 at 20:31

sorry guys the Scottish island is just gonna have to wait until the autumn for me as well.

baileyman - 1-6-2006 at 17:10

Aah well - october it is then.

Anyone comin to Egypt instead ?
