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reef girls
col123 - 20-2-2006 at 20:36

Yes i know its been a lomg time but ive arranged for them to visit borth again!!!!!

I was at a trade show today in manchester and yes they were there thongs and allllllllllllll, sorry going blind just thinking of them

Anyway ive arranged a visist by the girls to borth only on days when i'm there on my own!!

justal - 20-2-2006 at 20:40

Whats wrong with you Col.... I've been here waiting on the beach for you in my Gimp suit all winter!


shem - 21-2-2006 at 09:50

Ive still got the photos of them on my phone from the Exeter show COl!!!!!!!!! Must admit the BALIN girls would putting up some STIFF competition!!

col123 - 22-2-2006 at 09:46

i saw you in your gimp suit Al but didn't know if i should harpoon you or push you back in the water

justal - 22-2-2006 at 14:03

LOL.... I've been trying to keep up with you on Pie-Eating terms over the winter... Can I join your Pie-Eating club yet!!


col123 - 22-2-2006 at 17:01

no you can't...secret is buy a baggy drysuit you can hide the pie line....for some reason shem's suit is well baggy!!!!!!

justal - 22-2-2006 at 18:39

Maybe that explains why Shems suit has been leaking lately.
