take a look at the pics. the clam cleat serial no is == CL253 it wil solve the cleat slipping problem,you will also need to get an new
eye for the rope to go through,
ive also modified the self landing atatchment let me know what you think.
Hi Daz
where the pixs dude
where can you get the cleat and new eye bot from dude
i got mine from purple marine in walsall
Chris - Just remebered the size of gloves u've been using and that's the problem! I know i've had heaps of practice to ensure that the
depower rope is gripped by the cleats' teeth with the thumb & pull technique, but for these wintry conditions i think u should defo
buy that cleat matey..i can tell u now when one doesn't have to worry about the depower line slipping through the cleat anymore the
riding is insane!
Daz - Good pics with a good system! I think a lot of sonic riders will benefit from this..
for those of you that want a bit more detail
the eye bolt has a 12mm id, and is m5 thread.just tighten up with screw driver through the eye and the nut locks quite well in the
cleat, the just cut of excess an file, any more steve
you can also put a larger bolt into the webbing on the chicken loop side, a couple of penny washers and jobs a good un.
Nice one daz, Thanks for the info, will give purple marine a ring today.
Cheers mate
Still working on some more Borth Massif logo ideas.
So watch this space!!
have ordered the new cleat and a niffty cleat like the ones on my boat neil the one i saw talking about does exist and its on its way
will post a picture when it arrives. if it works it will be the business.
daz i like the saftey line from the front line.
leo i have also found a bearing swivel which i may order.
Chris let me know how that swivel works when u get it..
hey chris i missed ya on sat. how did the new cleat go??
the cleat with the swivel was working well, then started slipping. put the other clam cleat on and it works a dream. should be the one
that comes with the bar.
still it was worth a try. other cleat hasn't slipped at all have you got a n eye sorted yet, next time i go to purple marine i can pick one up for u, they are only a couple of quid i think.
Daz - Could u perhaps get me a swivel? Would help heaps with my riding..
will look into it dude
Daz, Is the swivel build into the clam cleat, any pixs.
Have some swivel bit's from my old Naish UDS system, which i have strip down, might be able to use these bits, Think i will make a
swivel at the top of the depower line, to stop the front lines from twisting, which could affect the re-ride system, if the lines had
to many twists in. So if have a play.
See you dudes next weekend, will try and get up this time!!!
here ya go leo. should work a treat i recon
again purple marine p/no r6364 fitted a couple of m5 bolts an washers jobs a good one.
cost £4.67+vat
[Edited on 14-2-2006 by carlessd]
swivel works a treat.
looks good daz.
leo thanks for the beefed up eyelet for the clam cleat.