The past couple of days in Cape Town the wind has been mental, and just to add to things most of the local riders don't have a frigging
clue with general sailing rules. It was a nightmare - there were idiots all over the place. Most of the European riders (Danish; Dutch;
German; Italian and UK) r all very knowledgable in saling terms, but the local sa riders r flipping USELESS!! I thought i'd just share
these rules for everyone, so that all can be aware!
1. Kiter on STARBOARD tack has right of way or more simply, person with their right hand forward whilst sailing.
2. Kiter riding the wave has right of way! A guy who is committed to a wave can not alter his direction easily and is sometimes in a
hectic situation. This rule supercedes the one above - person on wave ALWAYS has right of way!!
3. Kiter entering the water has right of way - so if you see someone trying to get going from the beach don't come and do your
transition right there - do it a little further out. Let them get started.
4. Kiter who is upwind keep your kite UP high and kiter downwind keep your kite LOW as it allows you to pass closer together and means
the one kiter doesn't have to lose a lot of ground.
5. MOST IMPORTANT - If in doubt get out of the way. Don't collide and then shout and scream about it being your right of way. Maybe the
other kiter doesn't know.
Tip for the experienced riders - try give leeway to the beginners as you will remember the day that you first got up and riding and
that was when there were less kiters in the water. Put yourself there - you are FINALLy up and all you are worried about is to keep on
going - they don't even know that anyone else is in the water and are unable to change direction. So give them a break and if you see
them later let them know what the rules are.
Most importantly keep it safe guys & gals!
i wish kiters would use the starboard rule. it can get a bit messy sometimes. it works well for sailing. i think the locals are
applying the I'm a local so you give way.
i have a question for the Bok. if the cape doctor is a SE wind then why is it gusty on the east side of Capetown? surely kite beach is
down wind of cape town and table mountain, so a wind which is generated from the south has to pass over the mountain and city.
i maybe in hermanus in march and i was checking on the net and some of you CT boys says its gusty and rocky. i remember it to be a long
sandy beach?? i would have thought the wind down there would be clean and maybe not as mental??
i also see that muzenburg (sp?) has a ban at one end.
Ahoy Chris
Yeah starboard rule is familiar in all realms of the sailing world, and kiting is a form of sailing as is windsurfing.
re. Cape Dr wind..u know the South Easter really does vary greatly. For instance it can blow a clean SE'er for 2 weeks and then turn
into what we call a black south easter, which is very cloudy and super gusty for 2-3 days.
As for the beaches, u're right cause Milnerton and Sunset beach (just on the NW side of Table Mountain) r always gusty and cool for
downwinders & polesurfers. But by the time the wind gets to Dolphin Beach and Big Bay it tends to clean itself up. My experience of
sailing at places like Strand, Muizenberg (Juizies), Witsands, Betties Bay and Pearly beach have all been gusty to a degree but the
further east u travel the more likely u r to have an entire beach or bay uncrowded & to yourself!
I think its best to sail as many beaches as possible in the beginning and then make up your mind which u prefer. My favourite is
downwind of Big Bay to Hakgat cause there r super flat sections between the waves, solid bowling and hollow waves, few kiters, space
and big open beach with soft white sand!!!
Oh yeah, i would avoid Muizenberg "Juizies" as it is quite dodgy & r often broken into and i wouldn't recommend it.
As for Hermanus or "Herms Anus"
is generally quite rocky throughout except for the main beach east of the town centre. I've kited there and had quite a bit of fun.
Just stay away from all the beachgoers, but March should be fine as it isn't school hols.
leo cheers geezer. i thought that would be the case. will have a look around. will see you in the next few weeks.
check this link out, explains it well i think with pics and all.
who has right of way
[Edited on 10-1-2006 by carlessd]
rode at Muiz when i was there one day,just paid a geezer to look after the car till i got back, worked a treat.
however the water is full of algea and lots of fishermen to get in the way and wherever find small fish there are usually bigger fish;
note that seal island is not far off shore.
hence i did not go too far out!!!!!!!!!!
much preferred the strand ,nice clean wind from south round to west; se is orrible,but it is still warm!!! indian ocean. locals are
friendly and helpfull and my flat was just across the road.
will see you up maybe this weekend with the new FLAT-CAP.