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2005 Cabrinha Icon 130 kiteboard
Jonny - 23-12-2005 at 06:46

Seriously considering buying brand new last years Cabrinha Icon 130 kiteboard. Its last seasons stock clearance in a local shop so its half price down from 1200 - 600 bucks which is 250 quid.
Whats the verdict?? is it a decent board. The guys ive spoken to here say i'l love it.
I wouldn't mind a decent board cos its something i'l keep for a long time providing I dont lose it so am prepared to spend that kinda money.
Any views will be appreciated. Cheers


mNeil - 23-12-2005 at 16:34

length looks ok,depends on weight. everyone going for very small boards these days. make sure it is a wide board not only in the middle but also at the tips.i use a 125 by 41 and still about 32 at the tips ; this allows you to hold lots of power and good for tricks being a short board and still get up in light winds because of the width.oh i weigh 75kg, hope this helps

Jonny - 28-12-2005 at 22:15

Thanks for that Neil. I was very tempted by it but I thought I'd hold out as Ive got enough luggage to carry with me round the world.
Think im gonna wait till I get to Capetown in a months time and get a board there hopefully, maybe a Cape doctor.
So in the meantime - I can get loadsa practice in flying my Co2.

mNeil - 29-12-2005 at 11:56

ah cape doc do a good 125*40

Jonny - 30-12-2005 at 05:27

You got any idea how much they are out there?

Cheaper than UK or more expensive?
On a real tight budget at moment so I can hopefully get one when Im there except this weekends gonna be expensive here in Sydney

mNeil - 30-12-2005 at 09:35

johnny send leonardo a U2U as he used to work with Goose who makes them and he is at present in capetown visiting home. happy new year to you in warm climes; it has just risen up to 8C here after 2 nights of -9C

dunk - 30-12-2005 at 12:22

I bought a Cape Doctor 125x38 flip tip last year, and it rocks. If you want a super light custom, with a choice of your own funky graphics look no further!
Oh and I'm approx 70 kgs.

Jonny - 1-1-2006 at 04:25

I like the sound of the Cape doctor boards. I met someone a few weeks ago in Melbourne who reccomended one.
The temp here in sunny Sydney is 44C at the moment. Its umbeleivable!! Its like being in a sauna where its that hot - its hard to breathe. Cars breaking down everywhere with overheating problems. The only restbite you get is when your in the shower. As soon as you step out, your dripping sweat again.

leonardo - 1-1-2006 at 11:21

Hey Jonny

CapeDr boards rock dude!

Boards r fairly well priced. It all depends on how hard u u do f16's and unhooked tricks/kiteloops? if so then board will be more expensive as more reinforcing layers are required but boards start at about R2500 or 250quid. Most of the guys seem to be riding a 120x38 for high winds and a 125x40 for light to strong winds. Sounds to me like u're after the 125x40.

When u get down to Cape Town call Angus Welch (nickname Goose) or his wife Cindy on following number:

29 Sheckter Road, Killarney Gardens, Cape Town
Tel / fax +27 (21) 557 0740

Tell them u've spoken to Leonardo and they'll sort something out for ya!

Jonny - 4-1-2006 at 22:20

Cheers Leonardo.
Dont want any smaller than 125*40 so im gonna go for something that size if ive not run outta money by then when I hit the cape. I weigh 75kg.
Problem is im absolutely sailing through my bank account here in stralia like theres no tomorrow. In byron bay at the moment and the surfs not up too much - hopefully it'l pick up.
