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flexifoil fusion
col123 - 28-11-2005 at 20:59

After all this talk of the excellent bow style kites i received a 12m flexifoil fusion today, blew it up and it looked massive and relatively flat!!

build quality looks good with the simplist bar/safety system ive seen yet

taking it out to egypt friday so should have a good test on it is showing 28degrees and 9/10mph wind all week but that doesn't take account of the thermal effect so it should be 20mph all week ..fingers crossed any way

i will (rub it in) sorry i mean post from egpyt and let you all know how the kite performs

[Edited on 28-11-2005 by col123]

Spooker - 29-11-2005 at 06:20

Another bow kite eh? might get a go on this one...

Well I did an idle count last nite, so far we have (or will soon have)..
Cabrinha Crossbow
GK Sonic
Takoon Nova
Slingshot Turbo Diesel
Naich Crossfire
Airush Halo
Best Waroo (who the hell dreams up their names)
and now Flexifoil Fusion

Best and Sof-X reckon they will be turning them out at £500 for the 12m - plus the dreaded import duty of course, so if anyone is off to the states in the new year - take a large suitcase!

MarkyP - 29-11-2005 at 08:07


I just got back from El Gouna. Great holiday had by me and the misses.

Sailed 6 days out of 7 but mainly on big kites, 16m and some 12m. Temperature was a steady 26 degrees, but if you want to sail to sunset take a shorty. The sunsets at about 4:30-5ish and when that starts dropping so does the temp.

A pair of shoes might be adviseable for the shallower lagoons as the coral is bloody sharp and so are some of the shells.

Buy a bottle of spirits at duty free as they cost a fortune in the bars and hotels. Also stay away from the Egyptian wine, it's crap, but you'd probably expect that.

Had a great time, enjoy it mate.


shem - 29-11-2005 at 09:36

Lucky bastewards, Im not geting away till Feb.

Had a read up on the flexi fusion and it sounds sweet! Col has it got total depower or not, ( I didnt think it did)?

Have a good trip Col!

Marky p, theres something finally in the post!

MarkyP - 29-11-2005 at 11:06

Sweet Shem,

Congratulations by the way mate. I hope all went as smoothly as can be expected and everyone is doing well.

Whats the new addition called?

col123 - 29-11-2005 at 11:26

when i said it looks flatish its not a bow but will see out in egypt...nice bit of kit though