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ya worst nightmare
carlessd - 23-10-2005 at 22:18

check this out at-

the scariest thing i've ever seen i a kite.

shawn - 24-10-2005 at 12:09

can't get that link to work - but some of the other vids are pretty minging - esp. the guy on the mountain bike - who gets pretty much what he desrves... ouch - yuck.

I'd love to see the kiting one if u can find the right link..?

carlessd - 24-10-2005 at 15:27

ya should just be able to copy and paste it into ya address bar on internet explorer. if not send me your email an i'll send it you

rob - 24-10-2005 at 16:21


it had a space between the c and l of clouds before!

chris - 24-10-2005 at 17:11

amazing hey. saw it a while ago. naish t.v has a few good clips like that.

Fart Boy - 24-10-2005 at 19:40

Lets hope the sonic does not give that much lift.