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How much lift does the sonic have!!
shem - 18-10-2005 at 13:05

shem - 18-10-2005 at 13:06

Matt from Air jam testing out the Sonic.


steveo - 18-10-2005 at 13:32

Was out on the 11m on saturday at Black rock sands. in the pools. a bit shallow at time's!!

Took a while to get the timing right, but when i got it right, the lift on this kite is awesome, highest jumps ever on flat water. and the hangtime is something else, got that gut feeling!!, and you just float down nice soft landing's. Also very god for just pop too.

Can't wait to get out in some solid 25kts and do some serious boosting.

col123 - 18-10-2005 at 13:32

are you sure he's not hanging from a helicopter

Fart Boy - 18-10-2005 at 16:55


Need to save some money

Sean C - 18-10-2005 at 21:30

thats just a little jump in 20k... shoulda seen me at newbrough... Matt's a pussy

MarkyP - 19-10-2005 at 06:59

I reckon where going to see a few King of the Air competitions of our own in the next few months. Mid Wales styleeeee

Give me Gin & Tonic

willf - 19-10-2005 at 17:57

ok bring it on lets have a friendly comp.
the results will be 1 leo 2 chris 3 dunk easy. thats my money any how. i think we should do it.

mNeil - 19-10-2005 at 18:09

trouble is we have got to get some wind first and this weekend ahead looking naff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what say ye massiff

leonardo - 19-10-2005 at 19:11

Fully MNeil..

My knee has recovered - FINALLY!! Ready to hit the water and u're right, wind looks stinky..spoke to poor Dunk today and he was on the coast with no wind..if there isn't wind i know where i'll be...

Sean C - 19-10-2005 at 19:17

sup Leo...

…get UnHooKeD & BLIND...

I always remember your "boost huge and inverted" sig many moons ago

hope its all good.

willf - 19-10-2005 at 20:20

Leo is inspiration to us all!!! he's changed the way i ride forever and become a great friend! he still can't go blind though!!!!!!! soz leo duuuuude!!!

good job no wind this weekend as i'm working. can't be when i'm working that the massif has a comp that would be plain wrong. who's gonna make the sandwiches? or land the flat 3(to blind)?

chris - 19-10-2005 at 21:25

Will when is your sonic arriving? off to spain soon?

getting a killer surf setup sorted for the winter. will let you know.



leonardo - 20-10-2005 at 06:40


a flat3 (to blind) is actually a flat5! Also is only to blind if u rotate frontside..
Have to be patient for the wind..Dunk should be riding today but for us folk no wind this w/e..
Looks like i'll be at the cable this sat.

Bok Out

willf - 20-10-2005 at 08:05

yarda yarda yarda!!!! typical!!! i never get anything right!