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willf - 27-9-2005 at 18:25

LEO tantrum badly stuck together with paint on windows how do i get better software cheaply?

willf - 27-9-2005 at 18:26

looks quite good when shrunk down to a size that won't annoy al too much!!!

willf - 27-9-2005 at 18:26

horizon is awful!!!

justal - 27-9-2005 at 18:29

Looks good to me, No wonder I find heading North easier.... its downhil!!!

If you want a better graphics package get GIMP... Its free and pretty much as good as photoshop. Take a look here


Kitefish - 27-9-2005 at 22:40


Good pic one of the best I have seen from Borth.

willf - 28-9-2005 at 08:26

well it's coz i know leo so well i just know when he's gonna jump so i can pull the trigger. found it much harder with other sailors but got a few nice ones of dunk and neil. need a bigger lens to get closer. we'll get there. get in the readers gallery of kiteworld on a monthly basis!!!