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sea specs - anyone interested
thehill - 17-9-2005 at 16:43

i am going to order up a pair of sea specs, neil swears by his. when i was in france my eyes were getting caned by the sun.

if we order up two or more pairs then the postage will be free. planning to get them from the states, $60 so about £35, got to be worth it.

send me a U2U or reply to this one

willf - 17-9-2005 at 17:36

or go on ebay...

Pluto - 18-9-2005 at 10:07

A company called Aqua Lesuire I think do a very similar pair. I got mine from Waterfront Sports in Exeter. £20.00!! I feel much more comfortable about loosing those accidentally.

Call Paul or Peter on 01395 276599.

Pluto - 18-9-2005 at 10:07

Support UK retailers!!!

bucski - 18-9-2005 at 19:34

yeah I got some like Paul's off ebay for 15 squids, look exactly the same as sea specs