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carlessd - 2-9-2005 at 09:37

just got back from week with kids down south and no kitesurfing, anyone out this weekend if so wheres the wind takin us?

justal - 2-9-2005 at 15:55

Doesn't look as though there will be any wind about over the weekend..... Although there is a chance of a sneaky Easterly in the estuary. Not convinced it will come to anything yet, but you never know.


justal - 3-9-2005 at 09:17

Well, the wind has come to something....Its blowing a hoolie in the estuary at the moment... 25 knots NE as I type.


carlessd - 3-9-2005 at 14:54

always the way, i knew i should of come down,lol

justal - 5-9-2005 at 06:01

Originally posted by justal
Doesn't look as though there will be any wind about over the weekend..... Although there is a chance of a sneaky Easterly in the estuary. Not convinced it will come to anything yet, but you never know.


I think I under-estimated things just a little bit!!!...Chance of a sneaky easterly in the estuary!!! I think 40 knots is more than a little sneaky!!

What a weekend!


MarkyP - 5-9-2005 at 08:25


That was almost in the Michael Fish scale of underestimation. I'm sure Col was flying a 9m on Sunday!?!

I eventually got out for an hour before the tide left us. It backed to about 20 knots and then died to about 10. Snook a quick session in though, but the Saturday was the epic for me. It'll keep me going till the next one. And sunny as well!!!!


justal - 5-9-2005 at 15:38

Yeah, Col was on an 9m and had it fully depowered at times...Then the wind picked up and he hid in his van for a while like everyone else!!!

Glad to hear you had a good weekend... It's even better when you aren't anticipating anything special.
