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dunk - 3-8-2005 at 10:25

I've been at the beach the last couple of days, the weather was really nice and sunny. The beach was full of holidaymakers as you'd expect.

The thing I find a bit worrying is the amount of holidaymakers with small cheap power kites and not much of an idea of how to fly them. They were crashing all over the place.It wasn't really that windy either.

Also it may get worse as Argos are now selling cheap kites!!!!!!

Any comments???????????????

badexcuseforasailor - 3-8-2005 at 14:22

Lets just hope proper kiters don't get the blame some some holiday makers having an accident, I just wonder how many of the holidaymakers have insurance as well

Pluto - 3-8-2005 at 20:39

mmm. Dare I stick my head over the parapit and mention the "club" word again??? (He He!)

We always knew it was coming.......

chris - 4-8-2005 at 06:46

paul, why are you so keen for a club?????

bucski - 4-8-2005 at 16:31

it's simple Chris could train his dog to attack all kites under, say 4m, that way they get ripped to shreds before they have a chance to get in the air, whilst we are safe with our larger kites and bingo,problem solved!

leonardo - 5-8-2005 at 20:29



justal - 6-8-2005 at 14:28

It could be worse... The tourists could all have bought Jet Ski's and Quad bikes instead of kites!!!


shem - 9-8-2005 at 12:22

Argos Cheap kites!!!! Over 300 hundred quid for a mancy, chinease made foil!!!! Argos must be the most expensive kite shop around. Lets just face it, stay off the beach until september, either that or find a quiet one.

I think Pluto only wants a club so that he can get out his craft box and make us all badges. Just kiddin mate!!

rob - 9-8-2005 at 14:58

me and a friend got a mouthful off some cretin on a trailer thing behind a horse a couple of weeks ago. my kite was on the ground, i was setting out my lines, near the water at low tide. i think his words were "bunch of w*nkers, can't you wait til i'm gone?!" quite gobsmacked as to what we'd done, we left him alone to complete his tearing up of the beach, coincidentally down the busier end of the beach near the golf course. on his next lap, he shouted "it's a good job i'm on my own!" to this day i remain confused as to what we'd done to annoy this chap. a whole beach to play on and he chooses to ride near us. is it me or do some people just love to moan whether they feel it necessary or not?

to sum up, maybe a club is the way forward. About 4 foot long and made of oak, one to store in each of our kite bags ready to abuse any other arseholes coming our way. admittedly, i'd be the first to run at the site of this chap heading my way again!!!

or we could all sell our kit and buy those single line flying eagle type kites that seem to be taking over the beach of late - much safer and i would imagine a little more easygoing to pack up and untangle!


chris - 9-8-2005 at 18:30


unfortunatly its another problem to do with beach rage. horse trotters (personaly i wouldn't want to be sat behind looking at the horses ass) have been coming down to the beach for a long time. they are a pain. dogs chase them kids gets scared. lilke the land kiters they like hard sand to blast up and down. unlike land kiters they hate, or rather the horses hate kites. it spooks them. so he was worried the horse would react and he would loose control.

jasper loves to chase them and they hate it.

i suppose up until 2 or 3 years ago they never had to check if any kites are up.