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What is the best solution for kiting at Ynyslas/Borth
(I'm sure this isn't going to be a balanced result but could be interesting!)
I (think) I have voted for area restriction, but wanted to comment as well.
I'm not sure what the perceived threat to kiting is here... and until we know that then we won't know our response is appropriate. Is
there any more information available on this? have there been specific complaints to or dangers identified by the council, or is this
more a knee-jerk reaction to a more general perception of nuisance. If we don't know what the problem is then we can't offer a
Ive put my bit in even though I don't often visit Borth and only own a very rarely flown kite.
Ive voted on the restictions ie well along the beach past the bunker.
I was at Borth for easter and there was quite a few kiters on the beach it was looking very congested at times along with all the
walkers and holiday makers.
I think its a matter of education on both sides kiters go up along the beach out of the way but also joe public doesn't walk right
through where the kiters are, I don't think some people realise how dangerous getting hit by kite/ lines, board, person or other.
Maybe it would be a good idea for some people to go see the council not sure what the Borth council is like but they could go straight
in with banning everything including windsurfing, kitesurfing as well as the kiting on the beach. I can't see people on the council
being able to tell the differents between land kiting and kitesurfing they both use a kite.
i reckon ban it or at least area restrictions ie NO KITES on the beach if there are people on it simple as that in august if it's cold and windy and there's no one there then fine but damn we all mess up at times. things break kites get loose it can happen to even the safest kiter let alone people who don't know what they're doing. and then there are the people that don't know who buy a foil from a shop with no idea what it can do and just go fly it. i speak from experience 6 years ago i did it i had no idea that you needed a smaller kite for more wind etc and learnt by error and error.
be better if we just banned it and saved an injury happening in the future which it will. it has to happen. Or a kite beach is made with signs every where and people warned and self policing it needs a big kite shack on the beach etc so it is obvious. otherwise disaster will happen and i don't wanna be there or see it. but then again i can't live without kitesurfing it's what keeps me going gets me out of the low days and clears my head of shit. if i can't at borth i'll find somewhere else quieter that involves climbing down a cliff or something that no one else will bother with.
shall i repeat myself again?
not in favour of an outright ban; but area restrictions are definatley the way forward. adam at llandudno who also happens to be and
speaks welsh liased with the council for a kite launch specific area; pointed out the benefits ,ei tourist attraction(money) and the
council were well happy. registration with the local club involvning 3rd party proof insurance and then an issue of a permit for the
season works. big signs warning of kiting area and the needed 3rd party insurance for the beach warn everyone.
definately need to get in with the council before irreversible decisions are made in haste!
Any volunteers as Council Liason then?
Any partial ban would be very difficult to police. I'm sure you've all read my comments in the recent "Need for a Club" debate. Time
for a re-think perhaps...
perhaps whovever liases with the council could point out how things work ( well I presume ) at llandudno and suggest a similar scheme at borth? Maybe Adam there would be willing to submit his part and help out?