larry may have found a man who has found a kite board.
he found it at christmas.
when i track him down i'll past his details on so you can see if its your board.
Sounds good, Could well be a friend of mine that lost a North jamie pro around that time. Keep us up dated.
i think it is from what larry said i just need to track him down.
was hoping it was mine but he did say it had north writen on it.
ah, you had me excited for a minute then, you sure it didn't say mad eel on it chris?!!
I'm still learning kitesurfing so maybe a good reason for this - why don't you use those slow retracting leash thingies u can get - would save a fortune in boards?
how do you all loose them?
i'm gutted as well thought it was my slingshot.
my board was lost when i was out well powered up out back tryng to get up wind then a gust hit me and became detached from the board
unable to body drag up wind. if i had a leash. it would have either snapped or the board ( pulled out footstraps, handles, harness
attachment on old board) would have rebounded back and taken my head off!!!
those long reels are a pain you end up wrapped up in them.
loosing a board is a numbers game. the more time on the water the more chance it will happen.
never mind - my new mad eel is looking forward to its trip to tenerife - praps the old one caught a current and ended up there!!
Cool move Tim. That'll save you a fortune in airport costs! Must give it a try...
nice one paul
yeah I thought it was a cool move, you have to wait for a spring tide just as it's ebbing and then hook the board on the back of a
passing porpoise - easy really!
tim youve been drinking to much estuary water again
Nice one chris, my mate will be over the moom if it is his.
Ill wait to hear!
its great that estuary water, glug glug glug hiccup
shem still can't find this bloke. can you get your mates phone number so i can give it to this bloke if i find him.