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borth massif-cordial invite...
willf - 14-4-2005 at 15:27

As one of Borth massifs newest (AND YOUNGEST!!!) members i have not yet fully undergone the transformation from a troony massif boy.
Now we all know that the Borth massif is probably the friendliest massif around but they are rivalled by one other and this is the troon massif.
And it is beacause the troon massif are so friendly that they are inviting us through me on a trip in june (25th june to 3rd july). The trip will be a week in Tiree.
Tiree is the sunniest windiest place ine the uk with white sand and blue see clean winds in all directions catered for and a lake with clean wind and flat water that is waste deep.
it will also be summer solstice time so in scotland that means kiting 24 hours a day for the duracell bunnies (neil!).
It would be great if some guys could join us i know the massifs would become one friendly massif if we only gave it a chance!

Pluto - 14-4-2005 at 18:24

Sounds tempting. Bloody long drive though. How long does that trip take Will?

I'll be checking the diary and will get back to you....

justal - 14-4-2005 at 19:19

It doesn't take too long... Borth to Oban usually takes me about 7 hours in my transit... Of course I usually then go to the Outer Hebrides rather than the Inner Hebrides which is an 8 hour ferry crossing rather than than the 4 hours to Tiree (via Coll)

Just the thought of it has me wanting to plan another trip to the Outer Hebrides though... It is well worth it.


willf - 14-4-2005 at 22:24

oh come on Al you don't have to go to outa heb's to have fun you know! come with us you know tiree is good i'm possibly taking another week and going on to lewis and harris but not sure yet.

justal - 15-4-2005 at 06:15

I can't afford two holidays in one year Wilf... I'm going to the Isle of Man soon, so won't be going to Scotland as well I'm afraid.

Given the choice I would prefer the Outer Hebrides though just because there are more options once you get there and less people than on Tiree... Although, I don't include Lewis and Harris in that comment as they were a bit too busy for me as well and it is also quite a drive from one spot to another on Lewis... At least everything is just around the corner on Tiree!

I tend to just go to the Uists these days as you can then get to quite a few different islands as lots of them are now joined by causeways and there are just SO many different beaches. It is a pretty special place, and accomodation is free once you get there (as long as you have a van..or tent I guess).

Last time I went was in July and there wasn't huge amounts of wind...still enough to get out with a 13m, but not lots.. Whereas every time I have been in Sept/Oct it has been 4m weather most days with HUGE (and I mean absolutely massive) surf! Certainly the bigest surf I've ever seen, including a day with easily 30 foot faces!!!... No, I didn't go out I went to the other side of the island and surfed a beach facing in completely the opposite direction where the surf was still head high!

Have I sold the Hebrides to anyone yet?? You should have fun.


leonardo - 15-4-2005 at 06:34


This trip sounds sweet! What will the Troon massif be doing re. accom? staying in tents on the beach and possibly eating fresh mussels caught on the low tide with warmed up tinned sardines + BEER?

Also, is it a boys trip up? i may be up for it! Never kited in Scotland ya reckon it'll be shorty conditions? possibly even baggies maybe?

chris - 15-4-2005 at 08:32

will could be interested. so like leo whats the score are we taking vans, tents, credit cards?
will be intouch via the tinternet.

Spooker - 15-4-2005 at 09:02


like the sound of all this

I'm a definite possible

mNeil - 15-4-2005 at 10:29

give us a clue as to the ferry charges for the vans; me thinks it could be seriously costly knowing the Scotts!

Spooker - 15-4-2005 at 11:37


vehicle 5 day return - up to 5m = £125, up to 8m = £188

get some friends & go cheap

Tiree is in the Guiness book of records as the sunniest place in Scotland, consistant winds, gulf stream - warm seas, reef girls..

Oh, might have made that last bit up

mNeil - 15-4-2005 at 11:47

the £188 is ok. but friends; um where can you get them from and how much do they cost?
now miles ; how far at about 25 to the gallon?
take a week off work, without pay.
the cost is rising and am still saving up for the month of august in france + will have just come back from teneriff.
dont think my money tree will cope no matter how good the trip looks.

[Edited on 15/4/05 by mNeil

[Edited on 15/4/05 by mNeil]

Spooker - 15-4-2005 at 12:02

389 miles to Oban (from telford) = 15.56 gallons, x 2 x £3.85 = £118

anything else?

maybe there should be an ask spooker thread?

total transport cost = £306 - not including Yorkies

If you are serious tho lemme know coz we could team up and halve the cost

justal - 15-4-2005 at 12:34

Leo... Doubt that it will be shortie weather... Whenever I've been up there I've worn a full winter suit, both in July and Sept/Oct... Mind you, on a nice sunny day you might be lukcy but I'd take the winter suit with you as well.... The water always looks turquoise and inviting but it ain't warm!!


badexcuseforasailor - 15-4-2005 at 13:59

Sounds very tempting ......but I will be windsurfing in shorts and rashy in El Tur that week

leonardo - 15-4-2005 at 16:56

starting to sound SUPER SWEET...wind, sun consistent surf and clean winds, i'm leaving the chicken loop behind ..pulley bar it is and here comes some serious unhooked tricks

Willdude - who u travelling up with?

willf - 15-4-2005 at 18:57

duuuuudes what an awesome response!!!
Yeah we are going as cheap as possible those with vans who want to can take them but most will be camping on the beach and Leo how did you know about the mussels!

so yeah free accomadation. know the guys over there already willy angus and co. all good craic probably a boyish holiday but mate dan will have his girl with him i expect. i'm not coz she's got exams.

Leo as yet i'm travelling alone (excluding dog of course!) spare room for you if ya want!

I may have created a monster trip!

Come on!!!!!

Also for people who want more hol for their dosh there is a island hopper ticket for about £160 that allows a few trips to different islands for up to 2 weeks i think. I'm probably going to stick to tiree.

Tiree is a sort of holy pilgrimage for scottish kitesurfers it's a big play ground though i must warn van owners-my mate martin had his van written off when it was attacked by a rogue cow. (just jumped out at him!!!)

waves sun wind warm ish 24hour light how can you say no to that. no wind in day hey ho just go out at 11pm when it picks up again...

we are keeping organisation fairly low key but if i get an idea of numbers i'll get in touch with willy see if he can sort out a deal on ferries poss acomm for the non camper types...


chris - 15-4-2005 at 19:18

looking like i could be in. will only take the van if i can get at least one other person to travel with. otherwise i'll camp.

nice one william always wanted to get to tiree.
must take my surf board or two.

willf - 16-4-2005 at 13:03

i got Leo for definite in my van may have another guy from bristol coming who could maybe go in chris's van but he's a maybe so far... this could be briliant guys don't miss out! we could even drop in on troon itself for a wee sesh!

willy is an inspiring balls to the wall rider as well so he'll give us a run for our money-bring it on!!!

willf - 16-4-2005 at 14:24

anyone wanting info on tiree can i refer you to an article in Kitesurf jan and feb issue page 74 abd troon is on page 90.

willf - 17-4-2005 at 11:09

may have to change the dates for this wee trip to the week after as girlf as just reminded me that one of her family members is sposed to be staying with me that week and i hadn't written it down!!! oops. let me know which week is best i think probably it will be week after though.

chris - 17-4-2005 at 13:28

will not only is it pissing down here but as far as the tiree trip is concerned i'm gona have to take a rain check. can get the time off but, because weddings and long holidays in the winter all .i'm gonna have to give it a miss. gutted. at least i can invite all the borth massive to our wedding on the 24th sepember and you will have food and wine to eat and drink.

Will see my other post for big borth party in two weeks.

willf - 17-4-2005 at 18:40

ok leo et al it is now set to be the week from sat 18th june to sunday the 26th thus taking in the summer solstice allowing maximum hours on the water and a little pagan dancing round a home made stone circle obviously naked oh and unhooked if your leo!!!

CharlieR - 19-4-2005 at 22:24

Hi Will,
I met you at the Beach a while ago, this trip sounds brilliant, and the new dates are very appealing too. Would be very interested for def. There would probably be a few guys from here (Brum Uni) who may be interested too. Keep the info coming!


Pluto - 20-4-2005 at 18:17

Bugger. Sorry Will, no can do.

Keep us informed and let us know how it goes....

chris - 30-5-2005 at 21:21

Will looks as if i'm on my way to scotland. as i said yesterday i can only do it if we fill a car/van. no probs taking my van.

will be in touch. enjoying the DVD's


willf - 31-5-2005 at 07:18

woooo hoooo!!!! bring it on! it just gets better and better!!!

leonardo - 31-5-2005 at 18:46

Ahoy Chris-DUDE! Styling mahn, good to hear you can make the trip! So Willf, what's the plan stan? not far to gooooooo..

by the end of 8 days in Tiree i reckon da willsta, El'Chriso and da Bok will be ripping it up nicely...

chris - 31-5-2005 at 19:08

leo, those handle passes will be sorted. bring it on.

chris - 5-6-2005 at 18:42

Will, i see you sold your van on the e bay. very nice. whats the plan???

willf - 6-6-2005 at 18:13

your van is the plan stan.
three man, some scran
maybe pick up Dan
from glasgow to oban
be like sardines in a


chris - 6-6-2005 at 19:13

no problems,

leo can you check your u2u messages. ta.

col123 - 7-6-2005 at 08:28

will with that poetry you could give up your day job...then again

leonardo - 7-6-2005 at 21:07

Yo Chris - Been HECTICALLY busy with work dude...sent you a U2U..

ChronICALLY Amped for TIREE

leonardo - 9-6-2005 at 11:39

dying to get away from work and onto the beach...and oh yeah, Happy Birthday to me!!!

chris - 12-6-2005 at 21:36

i'm getting excited. big surf yes please. fingers crossed

willf - 15-6-2005 at 08:27

hey chris i'm hopefully selling my van on friday afternoon at 6 ish at a services on m5 leo will then pick me up and take me to his where we can then meet you! complicated! first guy didn't show to get the van so offerred it to bid below who has accepted so we'll see. need the cash man i'm broke!!!

dunk - 15-6-2005 at 10:44

Have a good time duuuuuuuuuuuudes, gutted I can't be there!

mNeil - 15-6-2005 at 11:35

dunk you wouldnt survive the fully cold up there!

chris - 15-6-2005 at 18:12

bring it on. waves, wind and whisky. looks like the van will be takin 4 kiters and 2 dogs. will, can you bring sedatives for my hound?

chris - 16-6-2005 at 21:10

boys, the time has come and we must go and do battle. unhooked and handle passing to the max. can't wait. only one meeting tomorrow then i'm loading up the van with kites and surf board.

come on!!!!!!!!!!!!

mNeil - 17-6-2005 at 07:40

bye bye everyone bye bye and have some fun!

col123 - 17-6-2005 at 12:13

ive heard theres a kite ban on tiree.............not.. dont forget to launch past the bunker