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carlessd - 26-2-2005 at 20:27

check it out, gives up to date live weather reports on kitesurfable areas. might help us make our minds up at da weekend!!!!!.

mNeil - 27-2-2005 at 21:00

nice one daz glad to hear you got the van sorted!

leonardo - 28-2-2005 at 12:38

cool site..better than XC Wind map for sure!

carlessd - 28-2-2005 at 20:08

i thought yad like it, needs a couple of places adding though, i think ya can get in on ya mobile too.

justal - 28-2-2005 at 21:30

Its been around for a while and uses the same weather stations as most other sites, but the layout is nice and its good to see it all on a map rather than just as pure textual data.
