hmmmmmmmmmmm, new toys not yet out will be playing thursday i hope..
few clues wots the opposite of south
and charges like f*$k......
also lightnening may hit the 2nd time
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Think I may be making a trip over on thursday if thats da case. Perfect tides for the lagoon on dyfi during the morning mind?!
another toy for the list a 'double edged sword'??????
probably stay borth side shem but i'll let you know...whats the sand bar like as a photo shoot is on the cards...also i'm on nights
thursday so i'll have to do an early and be away by 1.30 lateset
With low tide 11ish, the lagoon will be working 9 till 1. The bar should be fairly well covered as the tides aren't very big. Forcast
is for 20 knots Westerly, hope it stays the same ey!! That'd be perfect for testing new 21 meter ey!!
Winds looking good at the moment. I think I'll miss you though as I won't be out until about 3pm.
Winds looking good for tomorrow.... I should get there just as it gets to about 35 knots!!!
Be nice if I could get my boardspeed to that as well.
ha ha my vans groaning with the weight of new toys...i'll be at beach about 11ish
so did the new kite rock?
Come on Col, splill ze beans?????
look at my posting in diaries and on flexifoil site...but yes it was goodi
might be up sunday and ive got a 13m if you want a play
"Floatyest" hang times Ive seen with a 9 meter kite, no more knee bashing on those monster wind days!!