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Scary sh#t !!!!!!!!
dunk - 20-10-2004 at 13:55

Don't know how to post this as a link ,

but you need to check this,

click highest jump ever

AndyW - 20-10-2004 at 15:13

what about this one

dunk - 20-10-2004 at 15:19

That's the same one , scary eh?

AndyW - 20-10-2004 at 16:21

Very. I wouldn't fancy tryin' that...!!!

leonardo - 20-10-2004 at 21:38

I checked this out yesterday and like, OH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD is more like it...what a lucky chappy 'and lucky to be alive without a single broken bone!

Just shows ya, don't mess about on the beach - get straight onto the water..

Jonny - 20-10-2004 at 23:58

Jesus christ. Didn't know its possible, Just shows you how dangerous thunderclouds (cunimbs) can be with the amount of suction they create. I had the same experience last year in France when I was gettin sucked up into a thundercloud on my hnagglider. I was doin spiral dives frantically trynna loose height and the suction was that great that I was still rising 3 - 400 ft per minute. The only thing I could do was full speed and fly in a straight line away from the thundercloud.I was lucky to survive really as loadsa people have lost there lives that way being sucked into thunderstorms going up to 20,000 ft + dying of hyperthermia and oxygen starvation. Scary stuff!!

mNeil - 21-10-2004 at 07:46

yep scary stuff, had it years asgao on my paraglider not long after qualifying; certainly taught me to look upwards first before launching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

bucski - 21-10-2004 at 14:40

Yeah it's real weird how he just hits that thermal and goes sky high. There was a big thread on this on the flexi site which gives some good insights into how it all happened.

chris - 21-10-2004 at 22:10

boys well it could have happened in borth last night. went out to retrieve my wet suit from the garden last night at 12am and boy oh boy it was howlin. should have got the 12m up could have saved the train fair and gone to visit you guys in the midlands. fingers crossed for tomorrow and the weekend hope the borth massive can make it to the pub on friday nite. mines a summer ale (what summer).